First Grow Op.


until now i have not been taking much note of anything while i have been growing...i know for a first timer thats pretty stupid. And as such, is why im starting to now!


4x 2700k
4x 6500k

Using both for Veg and will knock out the 65's when im ready to trigger.
`(wiring up two automotive HID ballasts)


as of now the plants are in an open room (~ 16x12) i have two 4inch fans blowing on then but no exhaust or intake.

grow medium:

1 soil grow
other is a DWC/AERO grow(will soon be adding fogger and top drip as well)

-Soil is home mix
- Nutes for the "hydro" are General Hydroponics flora series with floricious plus and some other goodies

Working on A New 2door Locker setup that will be perfect for the HIDs that im using, and will house both my DIY cloner and superponic system.