First grow (outdoors)

Alright, so I've just got the seed I ordered from

It's a feminised seed, the strain is "The Church", and it is supposed to produce a nice yield of some really nice bud.

I've done my research, read various stickies and guides on a million and one sites and forums including this one. However a lot of information is conflicting, and I still have a few questions I want to ask before I begin, just to be sure.

I will be germinating the seed in a wet paper towel in a glass over the next couple of days, I then plan to dig a hole, roughly 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep at my chosen spot, which I will fill with plain soil mixed with perlite/sand. It is possible that it could be hard to get this mix to my spot, due to it's location, so I may be better off using the soil that's already there, and maybe shaking it up a bit and adding some extra water to make it more moist and plant friendly. I will probably be adding nutrients after the first week or so of growth, and depending on the size of the plant, I will either try to manually flower it (covering it up with a blanket or something?) in August/September, or wait til the end of September/early October for it to flower itself.

This is my first grow, and I'm not much of a gardener, so all of my information comes from here and other similar sites. It's also a guerilla grow, and the area I live in makes that kind of hard, however I am pretty confident that in the worst case, someone would steal the plants, I do not believe the police would find them.

My main issue is cash, I really can't afford to spend much/at all on this grow, which is why it is only a 1 seed grow, and I am not expecting much from it. However, what I lack in money, I am willing to invest in time and effort.

So my first question is simply. Would it grow well in normal peat/clay soil? I would add some extra water to make it more moist, but other than that it would be natural earth.

Second question. I'm growing in the UK. What sort of protective methods will I need to carry out to protect the plants? I am thinking of putting copper wire around the bottom of the stem, and maybe putting some egg shells around it.

Third question. Imagine I have no money to spend on the grow. What are some great ways to save/cut out costs?

If you have any tips, please post them :)

Thanks in advance!