First Grow PC Case


New Member
Hey guys! I'm going to setup a PC Stealth Grow.

First time, I've been reading for about 2 years and have finally decided to go through with it. I just ordered 10 white rhino from attitude. (they're supposed to grow short) and got 4 freebies with them. I'm going to grow the freebies first.

Attached are pictures of the case I'll be using, with an xbox 360 controller for size reference. The fan is an 80mm fan.. it's about 50CFM... is this too low? I'm going to have 4 CFLs and 1 plant. you think this will be enough?

I'm thinking about odor control. It's stealth so I can't have a bigass carbon filter out the back, and it's too small to put a big ass carbon filter inside... what do i do?

IMAG0101.jpg IMAG0099.jpg IMAG0100.jpg

EDIT: In these pictures I'm beginning light proofing. I might use panda film or mylar. I think I'll go with panda because it will help lightproof. how much of a difference is there between the two?
also for lights I'm going to use 4 maybe 6 (4 on top 2 on sides) CFLs. 23W (100W equivalent).


New Member
ok 6 days later and finally an update...
I've been working hard recently, I got some more hardware and some lights and some panda film.

so far my setup is
5x 23W 6500K CFL
panda film for reflective material
12v ~50CFM(rough estimate on experience with fans in the past) exhaust
no intake, system relies on small air breaks in the case, I might add a very small fan later

so as you can see I've got 3 CFLs at the top, and 2 on the sides. I thought this would be nice because I'm going to do alot of lst and alot of topping, i was hoping this would further induce side branching and grow this thing into a big bush with lots of bud

I've also got a light trap setup in there, I'm running the 12v ~35CFM fan in there at full 12v. I put a 40,30,20,10 ohm resistor before since it was too loud, now it needs the full power to bend the air around the walls of the light trap.

light leaks have been 90% eliminated. this is for stealth and flowering lightproofing. The camera won't pickup any light leaks in the dark or with a light on.. I can still see some tiny corners that light is still peeking out of
IMAG0130.jpg IMAG0131.jpg

as far as when growing starts is based on the arrival of my seeds. It's been 7 days exactly so they should be here soon I think.



New Member
how are the temperatures in there with the bulbs going? good luck man, looks like a good set up
Currently it's high, I hit 90 with all 5 bulbs, I'm trying 3 right now I'll update on temperature. I powered it up this morning and the light leaks were so awesome that I was like huh is this thing on? I hear the fan but I don't see light, I opened the door and was blinded LOL!

I had some company and they sat right next to the thing and had no suspicions, this is going to be sweeeet!

Still haven't gotten my shipment from attitude, it's been 8 days, ordered 10 non-feminized white rhino, the feminized seeds were all ridicilously expensive for me. This way even if half of them turn out to be males... I still save money. I also got 4 freebies with it... don't know which to grow first heres the invoice:

Nirvana White Rhino
Reg Seeds Per Pack - 10 Seeds
UFO #1 Female Seeds Purple Maroc
FREE Delicious Seeds Il Diavolo Feminized Automatic
FREE Delicious Seeds Northern Light Blue Feminized
FREE Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose Feminized

i think the cfls will be enough, like what you got so far
I think all 5 is going to bring the temp up too much. I hit 90F last night. I'm running only 3 right now and I'm at 75F in 30 minutes. ambient temp outside is about 69F, so I might go with 3 or 4 bulbs.

Also, thanks. What do you think about the odor absorbing gel, I hear if you put it in the box It will stink up the bud. I really can't do anything else for odor control. Gotta keep it stealth, but I also gotta keep space inside the case... Hopefully I won't be smokin CVS odor gel :p

P.S. What nutes do you guys reccomend? I'm going to use Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil (or if you have any better suggestions). What kind of nutes do i get? What brands are good? I know i need High Nitrogen for vegetative, I know this is true for plants in general, I'm assuming this applies to marijuana. and probably a high potassium and phosphorous for flowering. So what are some good brands/products to buy. I'm going to head to my hydro store soon for actual plant stuff. I'm excited!


Well-Known Member
yea i would go with 3 or 4. even four might get too hot, but try and see. i ordered from attitude too, good service and all germinated so pretty good deal. if you get a male just make hash or something tasteful :]. as far as that odor gel it will work if its next to the fan and dont worry if done right you wont be lol. i use scotts soil but i heard fox farm is one of the best so i say go for that, im just cheap =x lol


New Member
so I ran 3 last night it was 80F at the bottom of the case and 102F at the top near the lights... I made a new light trap, and I think I'm going to try both an intake and an exhaust... I was limited on space so I could only make 2 cascading walls for a light trap so light is still leaking out a little. I think I might spray paint the insides of the light traps black to reduce light that relfects inside the light trap. let's hope this works!

also what temp should my case be at? 70-80?


New Member
around 70-85. i dont like it going to 85 personally but good idea about the traps
So I've been running the case for about 2 hours aaand It's hovering at 78-79. I'm seeing if it will go up... I can run it for 10 more hours, then I need to figure out a way to quiet the case.. see if i can't put a rheostat/potentiometer in the back to dial the fan speed and see how low I can go before the case goes over 80F. also I'm thinking of modifying my current intake light trap by flipping the direction so the fan is inside the case and is pulling air through the light trap instead of into the light trap, this might get me some more intake CFMs.

I might put a video on youtube showing the case more in depth and do updates that way.


New Member
temps are looking grim guys... still can't drop below 85F with 3 CFLs... I just went ahead and removed the other 2 for good. I've run out of ideas. I got it to a slightly manageable volume. I swapped the light traps (the bigger one has more airflow and is the exhaust) the intake has a 10ohm fan and tighter bends on the light trap walls. so I've got neg pressure in there. I can feel hot air coming out the exhaust, so what I'm doing is working! but not good enough.

The next idea is to freeze a bottle of water and put it in there and swap it out when it melts. (the cold air should stay at the bottom, and it will slowly cool the whole case. I hope.

any ideas?


Well-Known Member
well as for the temp, i never once checked my temp, i just felt it with my hand. haha oh well. now i have 3 lights, 1 6500 and 2 2700's in there


New Member
well as for the temp, i never once checked my temp, i just felt it with my hand. haha oh well. now i have 3 lights, 1 6500 and 2 2700's in there
lol yeah can you pop a thermometer in there? how hot does it feel? I'm just worried I'm gonna kill these plants with 85F+

This is gonna be a gooder, im guessin....10 Dry G's of medicine
hopefully man... I'm gonna try to top/lst as much as i possibly can! like I'm gonna stuff the plant all over the box... lol (not much room so :( )

does anyone know how long attitude usually takes? it's been 10 days since i ordered and still stuck at "origin post preparing shipment" It's been in the U.S. for 7 days...

hope customs didn't seize it or something :(


New Member
tshirt... hopefully it will come this evening. If not I think I'm going to assume it as seized. I guess I need to wait 21 days for attitude to ship again... this sucks! I hope it gets here :|

P.S. It looks like I just cannot keep temps below 85F this shit grows in afghanistan of all places at 100F+ it better grow in 85F-90F


Well-Known Member
call usps and ask them, and stick some cold ice water in there by the fan and itll cool like you said. i had temp problems before and used wet cloths to cool my shelf down.


New Member
call usps and ask them, and stick some cold ice water in there by the fan and itll cool like you said. i had temp problems before and used wet cloths to cool my shelf down.
what number do i call and what do i say? (the more exact the better :p)

I moved the light trap/fan assemblies so that they would push air across the bulbs, and i put a bottle of ice water at the bottom. It's been doing a little better. I've been running for 6 hours on the same bottle and I just hit 89 I was running at 75 an hour after i put that ice in. I guess I'm just going to switch 3 bottles of ice whenever i can (temps will be much more manageable during flowering so i might add bulbs... at night I turn the heat down so the house is cold as fuck.

also, no package today either... 11th day I keep promising a video on the case but maybe if i have some time this week I can do that.


Well-Known Member
1-800-222-1811 thats the number and just tell them your trying to track down your package and they should ask you for your tracking number and they should tell you where its at or is happening. nice to hear you got those temps down though