First Grow!!!! PC STEALTH BOX Advice welcome


Here are some pictures of my set up. Bag seed, Scotts potting soil, 1 14'' CFL 8w light. (about to get a 150 HPS). Not Foil in the case, It's the reflective air duct tape. And an old PC. On a 16 on 8 off light schedule till sprout..... Any help would be awesome! I plan to update and post pics throughout the whole experience.



Well-Known Member
hey man, nice little setup i noticed you were on day 4 before you even had a sprout. What strand are you growing and how much light do you have? mine popped through the soil and shed its seed husk by the end of day 3. now day 5 its already growing its second set of leaves.

I'm growing autoflower bubblelicious with 6 26w CFL's


Well I actually "over estimated" the output of this light. It sucks. I'm gonna switch to 2 32W CFLs for veg, then 2 150w HPS for flowering. I'm not sure on the strain.(bag weed) But I just planted 3 new ones that I germed from a bad ass sack I just got. I lucked out and got 3 seeds. It's a kushXdiesel cross........I'm excited.


thats a pretty neat little set up you got there man
in a few weeks you should have some nice lookin plants...


Thanks, I've tried a few times... Never harvested though. Now that I have more time on my hands, I can create...... Bwhahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Hey good luck with a 150 HPS in that little space. It will be like a homemade easy bake oven.


Thanks for the advice guys.. Yeah i can go less wattage on the HPS if needed. What do you think BigV. Yeah Duke I was too impatient.I'll do it when the plants get a bit bigger. I have now realized I need a ton of it to grow successfully. More pics in a day or so...

red fury

Active Member
Be careful about those blue lights from the fan. I've heard of those causing plants to hermie. that is if that light is still on during the dark hours. Looking legit otherwise though


Anyone else know anything about this? I'll figure something out about it. I'm about to update the lighting so, it will be way more legit.


I tried a new method of germinating. I usually do the paper towel and egg carton way, but instead I put it in a shotglass for 24 to 36 hrs. Then if it sinks....plant it. I only had one pop out of 6. So i just germinated the way i normally do, success. Here are some better pics of my 3 babies. With new lights it should be a lot better. I got 2 26W CFLs now. ENJOY!



Active Member
im digging your set up. I have a 4x8x7 grow tent but my old Pc finally took a shit so I was thinking about turning it into a stealthy grow box, possibly even just use it for my clones. I like the way you used the reflective tape, creative.