first grow problems


Active Member
okay, so this is my first grow..
i grow outdoors and i got some nice ass big bud seeds cause so far 7 out of 8 germinated :blsmoke:

i ruined 2 of them when they were just baby plants (a week ago) when i tried to transplant them.

anyway, i got 5 baby plants now.
4 are growing on my roof in really small plastic containers in which u put some soil and a seed in each of them. i started the 5th one there too. i planted them about a week ago plus some days.
well.. my problem is, i transplanted this 5th plant in my outdoor area (u are all like wtf is the problem right now lol:confused: )

anyway, these plastic containers have a small hole on their bottom, and i just took this container and put it in the soil as it is. the plant looks kinda healthy still, and grew just a little bit, growing slow as fuck.
and before i put it in the soil i checked its bottom and i could see a root trying to come down that small hole.

my question is, can this plant's roots come down from that small hole and enter the big yard soil? (so that if this plant is fucked up i will cut the bottom of my other 4 plants before transplant -_-)

thanks for any feedback!:twisted:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
You should take it out of the container and put it in the *dirt* so it can send the taproot down into the soil. If it is constricted in a cup, it will NOT reach it's full size/potential.

as for *dirt* need to dig about a 2 ft wide x 2 ft deep hole and fill it with a soil suitable for growing marijuana. Local soils are usually to alkaline or acidic...and need amended. If the roots can't sspread out because the local soil is full of clay or is'll be just like growing in a cup...

It **IS** a weed...but it can be more than that if you treat it correctly.

READING IS YOUR FRIEND. Go to other cannabis sites and read there also..especially their "outdoor" sections. There you'll find growers who have tried and true soil mixes and techniques.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
believe me, i read a lot lately lol, still am..
but im growing in this place, its like a park, it is full of bushes and trees so i guess the soil is pretty ok for marijuana.
after all, its my first grow i dont want the perfect crop, i just want A CROP :hump:
and about my plant, if it has already reached the soil.. wont its roots break if u pull it out the soil?:confused:



yeah probly but you should have enough roots in the container for it to survive if you take it out of the container and re plant it