First Grow semi-outdoor when will it start flowering?

Hey guys,

I am totally new to this site and therefore also to growing.

First off : I am not shure what the rules are in this forum but growing marijuana in small ammounts (for self use) is tolerated in Austria (where I live) and semi legal (You can grow but you cant harvest :hump:).

So for my first grow I selected a AK-47 clone which I bought 25 cm high from the shop. I have been taking quite good care of it with the gardening skills my mom thought me as a child. It is a bit crooked but I am not 100% why this is, maybe because I grow on my balcony and the sun come a little more from one side.

Anyways my question is I have a little less than 3 weeks left till the expected harvest (what they said in the store 55 - 65 days) and since I am pretty shure it is not auto flowering my question is :

Should I put my plant on a 12 hour cycle and basically put it in a dark room from maybe 6 pm on or is that a bad idea? On the side atm it is 79 cm high which is 27.55 inch.

On a side note, a good friend of mine is coming over for 2 weeks and we planned it after the expected harvest so I have basically up to 5 weeks left.

Thank you so much for the help guys, you already helped me a bunch when I started growing while lurking in these forums!