First Grow SOUR AK


Hey everyone I'm in the middle of my first grow and just wanted to get some feedback about how I'm doing.. I started with SOUR AK feminized seeds from G13 labs from attitude, the original lighting I had was only 2 24w T5's and i used those for about 3 weeks of veg then got 125w cfl and used that for about 2 weeks and now I finally have a 250w HPS and my baby girl has exploded, just wish I would have had this earlier.. lol I'm just about to week 6 and just turned the lights over to 12/12 and am excited to start seeing my girl blossom :) pic below!


Thanks! And no, unfortunately no wife in the picture yet lol. Just a poor lonely college kid trying to find something to keep me from going crazy. (And broke) ;)


Sector 5 Moderator
There's no broke like college broke. I'm talking stealing TP out of service stations broke! :) Glad you got a good light and good luck with the grow.


Thanks! I'm really looking forward to the next round since i'll have the HPS for the entirety.. but lets just keep our fingers crossed for this little girl! Take it easy!