First Grow Space Help!


Whats up everybody? Im a new to this growing thing, I'm going into it as an hobby and to learn new things "side job" my new project. I just recently moved into an house and I have two prospect growing areas my attic and i have a crawl space under my house i want to know which one will do be better and i will be posting pics this weekend to show size of each and i will give the dimensions of both areas once i have time to go under and go up. I will also be needing to kno things i need to kno as a first time grower. thank you. In the attic it is about 5ft of standing room and a little entrace to get in and out what do you suggest to start the floor off or would it be better to go under house in crawl space?


Well-Known Member
its gonna suck getting in and oout of that attic with water and shit. also pretty dangerous as attics are fairly dry and hot already in the warmer of the crawlspace under the house? you dont have a basement or anything?


Well-Known Member
Id go with the crawlspace first since temps will be cooler and the floor isnt covered in insulation

next check out this video and itll help you understand what theres is you can do and what you want to do.


good luck and ask away with your questions


Active Member
Well I guess there are alot we need to know. What kind of lights? Because attic can get hot if no vents. And under house can get cold and maybe have bugs. So with out knowing what you are going to use lights strain and what temps are up and down. Iam new also but spend alot of time online reading. I hope that can help some


Well-Known Member
Then you are somewhere cold and I'd think you would have a cold temp issue when lights are off. Why not find a closet or something? My grow area is set up in a corner of a bonus room. I can't imagine trying to tent to plants in a crawl space. You having to crawl in there and all ( plus not enough vertical space to grow when you factor in lights).


Well-Known Member
Whats up everybody? Im a new to this growing thing, I'm going into it as an hobby and to learn new things "side job" my new project.
I highly recommend your first grow be in a closet or grow tent. An attic is not a good idea for a new grower. It will be a 1000 X harder and more expensive. Walk before you run.