First grow starting soon (Setup advice needed)

Hello everyone reading this post! :mrgreen:
Well as the title states i am starting my first grow but i needed to know a couple things first (all help is appreciated and thanks to who at least tried!!)

1. I was thinking, could i go from seedling to harvest by only using "FFOF" (for veg) and "Tiger-bloom"? (for flowering)

2. Can I start my plant off in a 12in, and after about 2 weeks transplant into about a 3-4 gal which would be the final home for my plant til harvest?

3. For watering, do i just make sure theres drain holes on the bottom of the pot and keep filling the pot with water til water leaks out the bottom?

4. how long should i veg and flower for?

When i get all my materials, and my plants are about 1 week old ill start my journal :mrgreen:. thanks for the help guys and please give me any tips,knowledge (could come in handy :D)


Active Member
Ocean Forest soil is known for being a little strong for baby plants. I would do a Happy Frog and Ocean Forest mix: 50/50. I would use the FF Veg fertilizer a little during veg and the Tiger is fine during bloom-but beware the Tiger's bite. It's a little strong, so just start with about half of what they tell you to use. Also, Dolomite lime mixed into your soil will stabilize your pH throughout the grow. Your watering ideas are basically correct as are your potting ideas. I have done variations of stuff like this for years with success. Indica's are easier to grow than sativas.

Veg time is determined by your needs in terms of height, time spent growing, and how much ganja you want to harvest. Bloom time is determined by the genes of the strain you grow, how long it takes that strain to mature: Indicas are quicker to mature.

The Jorge Cervantes book is a good basic guide that covers everything. I would start with that. It will be present the info more coherently than grabbing bits off the net.

Good luck. You can do this!


Active Member
1. u can use whatever nutes you want, theres so much out there! just make sure high N content when vegging and high P when flowering. i use miracle grow, only thing available locally and its working fine!

2. you can start in whatever you want as long as its not translucent or transparent. i started in solo cups and then transplanted into 10 or 12 inch pots for their final home. the final pots just have to be big enough to support the final height your looking for. my pots are about a foot tall, cause i want to keep them short cause of where I'm growing them...

3. absolutely MUST have drainage holes in the bottom. you can use some perlite or even just peastone from outside (rinsed thoroughly) and fill up the bottom of the pot about an inch. then put in soil. this helps drainage. you want to water until about 10 or 20 percent of the volume of the pot runs out the bottom. i.e. i feed/water about the full volume of the pot.

4. veg until your plants are around 3/4 to half the size you want them to end. flower until they are done. you will see. :-)

cheers, good luck, and +rep for beginning!
