First Grow Suggestions please


Active Member
hey guys this is my first grow and im not sure about everything so i was hoping i could make a journal and have a lot of input from everyone:mrgreen:. My plants are 18 days old today Feb 17th 2008. I have them on 24/7 lighting and was thinking of going to a 18/6. Also I have been watering them about every three days only when the top of the soil gets dry, i use tap water but let it sit out for 2 days. I have seen a few gnats here n there i killed 3 of them put some sand on the top of the soil and have not seen anymore so i hope it stays like that. I also have to get some more soil and put it in the bottom of the pots and a little on top how to i do this with out damaging or slowing down the growth. Ive been reading everything on this site for the last few weeks and am a little unsure about things, i just don't wanna mess up and it be a waste lol i hope i get some people to follow my grow and help out along the way, and i will be posting many pictures.

My setup so far:
5 Big Bud seeds and 2 of somthing else not sure i think thi stick ?
One 4' fluro 2 blubs 3200 lumen's each 75watts per bulb.

Four 100 watt CFLs 1300 lumen's each.

Scott's potting soil.

One Fan

Ordered a 400 watt HPS and was hoping i could use just this for the veg stage and flower stage n get rid of the fluros n cfls any suggestions?

3 pack Fox Farms Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I have to start feeding soon and do not know how often to feed them i do know that i have to give it 1/4 the dosage it says but do i feed it all three of them or different ones for different stages of the growth?



Well-Known Member
dont feed all that yet.
just feed 1 time a week till you goto 12/12.
give them tom food, or proper vegg food for vegg.
no flower food, cos its different.


Active Member
O ok i thought you could feed it the fox farms after 3 weeks of veg. I have some miracle grow its 12-4-8 or 12-8-4 im not sure but i have heard that its no good. what is some good Veg food. thanks


Active Member
Todays day 19 and i have to get some more soil into the bottom of the pot and add some to the top.. o boy lol how do i get soil to the bottom without harming the plant or slowing down the growth??? should the soil be dry or moist?