First grow temp ?

This has been driving me crazy. If you were on a tight budget yet QUALITY AND NON AIRY buds are a MUST, and had to make a choice, would you:

A) go without the AC (save loot) and keep tent doors open (lose light lumens) during veg stage light and see high temps at canopy level of 84 and 77 on the wall at the top of the tent


B) use the AC during the light period (pay the loot in exchange for perceived quality increase) and zip up the tent (more light) and see temps of 78 tops at canopy and 71 on the wall at the top.

..another way of asking if my temps without AC will cause a loss in quality at 84 degrees, worthy of spending the extra money. Sheesh its only a 7 degree difference or so. OCD or some Already have a cooltube and its doing its thing. Thx in advance.
Honestly think about people say temps play a huge part In plant development but if you think about weed thrives in Mexico, afghanistan and pakistan where it's hot as hell in the day but cool at night if you can keep your temps in the 70's during the light off cycle your plant will thrive as long as you have proper ventilation and no stagnant air you will be fine after all you are growing a weed so if you don't make it difficult it wont be difficult as I'm semi new to growing mmj I do have a masters degree in biology and plant science


Well-Known Member
If it was me, I would got for the higher temps, (not much according to what you wrote).
Like mello says, you should be ok, and not have a humidity problem as long as the air is moving, and anyway, the small increase in heat is dry.
Just keep a close eye on your watering for the first few days until you get a pattern with the heat change.
The weird thing is the temps at top of tent are 70 and the canopy is reading 77 with ac. Big variance. So anyone else think opening the doors and saving money on ac wont cost quality? Better off with AC? Plz help.


Well-Known Member
Your 84*F temps isn't a problem. I've been dealing with a 105*F - 110*F heat wave outside all summer long and they're doing great. I just have to be on top of watering. The trick is keeping the roots cool and the plants as healthy as possible. Do that and you'll find that the leaves can take a beating.
Your 84*F temps isn't a problem. I've been dealing with a 105*F - 110*F heat wave outside all summer long and they're doing great. I just have to be on top of watering. The trick is keeping the roots cool and the plants as healthy as possible. Do that and you'll find that the leaves can take a beating.
this wont cause airy buds? I have read all over this board that heat will cause airy buds....airy buds bad...bad juju. True?
High Humidity and low lumens can cause airy buds so lumens is way more important than the temp aslong as you have your ventilation system working properly an ac Is pointless unless you have massive grow op or your realy wealthy an can just afford it IMO lose the ac


Well-Known Member
go for higher temps and more money on ac. you want as many lumens as possible. i try and keep my gro below 80 degrees, as close to 75 as possible (usually sits around 79 lights on, 75 lights off), but i wont consider it an issue unless it breaches 85 and even there its not even really a big deal. do ya thang brotha


If you have heat issues, there is a small solution that may fix this.. I found a blog online just need a heavy duty clear plastic sheet and tape. You just tape it to the bottom of your lights leave a little opening in the back to let. This this lower my temp down to 7 degrees.
84 to 74 F. Heat is a really a small matter sometime you just got to get creative that is what's fun about growing indoors.. Here is the blog hope this help..