first grow, they growing quick but some dont look healthy.

i just planted my sprouted seeds 2 days ago and now they all broke through the soil. several of these little guys are looking kinda like they got burnt. could this be under watering?

my setup- im using 7-26 watt cfls until flowering, planted in the organic miracle grow potting soil. 8 plants in solo cups for now.

i have been keeping the lights very close to the plants, could this be the plants actually burning from the heat? i didn't know this could happen from cfl's but im a noob so what do i know. any help would be appreciated.
- thank you in advance


Active Member
rule of thumb is that if you put your hand underneath the cfls and it is hot then it is hot for your babies and move the plants further down!


Well-Known Member
Yeah make sure you have good air flow, so the hot air from the bulbs just doesn't sit there in your grow area. That will stress your plants out.