First grow under way!!!

Hi everyone!
Id like to just start with some basic info for the grow. Im a med patient in Colorado, and registered caregiver for my 81 year old grandfather, so I decided to grow. My friend has been growing for years so I asked him to get me started.
Im using 9 individual waterfarm bucket setups, with a 600w air cooled lamp and ballast, nothing special, but its a start. I set up in my spare bedroom with a darkroom tent.
So theres the background, heres whats been going on lately. I transplanted 6 clones back on the 28th of January, and then 3 more back on 3rd of February. I know I should've planted em all at the same time, but they werent ready yet. The first ones to go in were an AK, Hash Plant, G-13, 2 Widows and a Purple Kush. The last 3 were all White Rhino, a lot of variety, but thats why I like the individual water farms.
I started out with AN two part Sensi system, and a bunch of other crap my friend got me started with, needless to say they burned pretty bad. Yellowed leaves and tips doing really weird shit. :wall:
So I jumped on this site and found the Lucas formula and did some reading, and decided to switch to that last week. Boy did they snap back. They greened up, and growth has really started to take off. It was perfect too cause the Waterfarms come with the Flora series nutes. Water around here is really great too, at only like 50-70 ppm.
Sorry for the long rambling, just wanted to give as much info for anybody in the future, or anybody kind enough to lend a hand. Ill post some pics and another update soon.