first grow - update and question

Hey guys so. i posted on this forum about some questions i had a while back when starting my grow and now im back for a check up.

Ive done my fair share of research and reading before i got into this grow. now although i chose to do my first grow on hard mode (1k watt mh/hps from the bean) i am running into some questions that can only be truly answered or speculated by an educated / experienced mass of growers and cultivators (RUI members)

i initially over watered for about a week straight and set my self back a couple weeks i think but i need some clarification ( and some optimistic insight if possible) on how they are growing despite the set backs...i also think i burned one of the plants with some light feeding (1/4 strength grow big FF)

so im just going to set my photos right here and you can let me know what you think.

also here is a quick run down of the temps and things going on in the environment

days above soil - 18
day temps (ambient) 77-84
day temps (radiant / tops of plants) 80-86
night temps (ambient) 68-72
soil temp 72
soil - Dr earth organic potting soil
light 1k watt MH
distance from light 50 inches
air cooled hood
2 oscillating fans

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Well-Known Member
cannabis is very resilient and can withstand a lot of torture. The earlier issues you had have had an effect. They are stunted in growth and that will make them stretch very soon even with 1,000w over them. I this were my grow I would go to the local Wal-Mart and pick up some cfl bulbs...put them very close 2' or so and let them recover and develop roots. They will stay stronger because the stems will not be so thin and stretchy. Did you do any research on the soil you used and how long it feeds for? If it is for seedling to harvest you need not add more nutes at all. The yellowing could be a deficiency of nitrogen, or it could be light burn. I am going with light burn because new growth seems to want to be green and healthy. Keep a close eye for more yellowing that will tell you if it one or the other. If it is nitrogen then there will be orange burns on the tips very soon. If it was the light raising or changing to cfl the new growth should remain green.

Good Luck and Great Growz
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Well-Known Member
cannabis is very resilient and can withstand a lot of torture. The earlier issues you had have had an effect. They are stunted in growth and that will make them stretch very soon even with 1,000w over them. I this were my grow I would go to the local Wal-Mart and pick up some cfl bulbs...put them very close 2' or so and let them recover and develop roots. They will stay stronger because the stems will not be so thin and stretchy. Did you do any research on the soil you used and how long it feeds for? If it is for seedling to harvest you need not add more nutes at all. The yellowing could be a deficiency of nitrogen, or it could be light burn. I am going with light burn because new growth seems to want to be green and healthy. Keep a close eye for more yellowing that will tell you if it one or the other. If it is nitrogen then there will be orange burns on the tips very soon. If it was the light raising or changing to cfl the new growth should remain green.

Good Luck and Great Growz
OOPS I meant too say 2 inches not feet