First grow, using clfs


Active Member
first time growing got a nice ghetto closet setup going and i was just wondering if everything is looking good with my plants i have some concerns about the long stems approx. 4-5 inches before the first leaves( see pic) is that goin to affect anything?



Active Member
Fill the pot with dirt as much as you can before the leaves, it will go into stock I believe and turn the stem into roots. It will stop growth for awhile but if you ask me, this has to be done in your case.

Also it wasn't a bright idea to plant two plants in the same pots, but its too late to take them and replant them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you've got plently of room to put more dirt in there so that'll help alot, but you need the lights much closer to stop that "stretching". Get the Cfl's within 2 inches, right on top of the plant. This is NUMBER ONE priority with clfs. If you keep the lights right on your plants (this will require DAILY adjustment as the plant will grow quickly) you will be rewarded with nice nugs. :)


Well-Known Member
a good rule of thumb is put your hand between light and top of plant. if to hot for your hand to close to plant.
good luck
joe dirt