First grow w/ pics

Planted two blue mystic autoflowering seeds. One seed in organic Miracle Grow and one in moisture control Miracle Grow. Just planted them on Wednesday
Two 68 watt CFL at 4200 lumens
Two 30 watt CFL at 3500 lumens
Two 23 watt CFL at 4200 lumens

I have two T8 light fixtures, I'm not using them currently, should I be?
How am I doing? Advise would be sweet



Well-Known Member
u are doing fine, i would at the T8 later in the grow about 2-3 weeks in. Remember no nuts for about 4 weeks in soil since most soil has nuts in it. Then slowly add nuts ) but it looks great


Well-Known Member
when they sprout dont water alot just enough around it like once every 3days ish. When the plant is like 2 week + u are going to water so u have some run off at the bottom. :) it mainly depends on your plant and how thirsty she is but every 3 days is average i would say, also make sure u keep the soil ph 6.5
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i agree mikmike when they are first up, a little every 3 days. but as they get bigger i've found it best to let the soil dry out but not completely, then give your girls the water or feed they need until you have a little run off, you dont want it to be gushing out of the bottom, and then let them dry out again. looking good apart from that good luck with your garden mate
sweet, haha nothing better than tokin a jay and workin on the plants. prior to sprouting ive been told to keep the soil pretty moist... soil has gotten somewhat crispy but ive tried to keep it somewhat damp for most of the time. im running a 20/4 light cycle right now, should i be doing anything different?

haha sorry tons of questions, this bud i got is pretty euphoric and im just trying to grasp this new growing thing! Really enjoying it so far