First grow - week one flower


Active Member
What's up everyone! Just posting to show my first grow ever. 1000w my/hps.I'm one week into 12/12 and have some awesome bud sites already and node spacing is very tight! Using GH Flora Nova Bloom every other water. Didn't use any grow nutes. Vegged for almost two months and did LST and supercropping. I do have a little difficientcey with my GSC. Some leaves are starting to look "rusty". I'm asuming it's a cal mag issue so I'll try to add a little next watering. I know it sounds dumb but I haven't checked the ph one time. I haven't felt the need to since I'm using RO water and had FF soil with dolomite lime. The plants haven't looked unhealthy at all until this last feed so I will start checking ph now. Anyways check out the photos, any advice or feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

