First grow, what should I do?


Active Member
Hi, Im new to this forum, and Im having some trouble with my first grow. I just got a bag seed and decided to germinate it, and I planted it just to see how it goes. Im growing in a fish tank with some aluminum foil on the sides and a 4 foot fluorescent fixture with two tubes 40w each. Ill move the lights up as needed. I have a small fan going and the plant is just in a regular pot with soil. I have it set on an 18/6 timer, and I water it every few days when it needs it. Its only about 5" tall, but its really lanky, and now the branches are drooping and bending where the two first fan leaves are. The coltydeons have already dried up and shriveled off, and theres some yellow spots on the leaves. I just put some of those cheap plant food spikes in Im not sure if it will help it or not, I know they're not very good for it. I dont really know what to do about it, or if its even worth it anymore.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I do believe the problem is over watering...

If you can, get the light about 1 inch from your plants and have a fan blowing in the room... gently moving the plants and moving the heat from the lights away from the plants..




Active Member
Thank you, I just put some new soil in, and watered it a little so Ill lay off watering it as much and see how it goes. I appreciate the advice, and if anyone else has any suggestions Im open to them.