First grow, WWfem under cfl and blackstar 240


Active Member
Hey all,

she is 4 weeks into flower, I decided to lst her late in the game to get better light coverage with the led panel. She has responded well, her buds were facing the lights within 3 hours. Just wanted some feedback on how you think she is doing... bud size etc. She is in soil btw.



Well-Known Member
IMO that LED looks way too far away. Meant to be about 4/5 inches away max aren't they due to lack of penetration?


Active Member
IMO that LED looks way too far away. Meant to be about 4/5 inches away max aren't they due to lack of penetration?
I have read so many different opinions on this. I have never grown a plant b4 so I am just experiementing on this one a lot just to see the mechanics of the thing first hand. I was worried about not having enough light footprint if I lower it. Thats why I tied the branches down, now I get an even light reading all over the canopy which now covers the 2x2 floor space of the tent. I shoulg get my 100w spectra in the mail friday so then I can lower the lights while retaining a good footprint. At this stage of flowering are the buds looking alright or should they be fatter? Bear in mind the plant has ahad a lot of stress throughout the grow. And I flowered it after only like 3 weeks true vegging.


Active Member
I am sure I will end up making the panels into veg lights. I like to try new things, so that is why I am doing all I can to avoid HID lighting. Plus I like the ease adn lack of vent requirements that comes with LED. And since I am growing for personal medical use I dont need huge yields. But If I cant get some nice little crystally nugs from the cfl LED combo then I will just get a HPS and be done with it. I am in about $300 for the spectra 100w and the Blackstar 240, so not bad esp when I can still use them as bomb veg lights. But I hope they work out for flower. Next grow will be a scrog, I think that gives LED the best chance for success.


Well-Known Member
AWESOME job Quitekeen. She looks beautiful. Fantastic first grow. I wouldn't change your light distance. Get ready for those nuggs to swell up!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
AWESOME job Quitekeen. She looks beautiful. Fantastic first grow. I wouldn't change your light distance. Get ready for those nuggs to swell up!!!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
thank you! first grow so of course I am scrutinizing every move I make. I was watching it like every hour the first week lol, then I chilled out but when it started pushing white hairs I got all obsessed again!

So do the nugs really do all the fattening in the last few weeks? seems liek they blew up, then they just slowed down for the past 2 weeks, but the plant seems happy so I was thinking its just normal growth.

I started this in November with no MJ growing experience, although I have worked in a nursery and I also raise Japanese Maple Bonsai. But its 100% thanks to RIU that I have had any success. This really is a great community. When its all legal and kosher nationwide we need to have a big fat BBQ/smokedown. That would be one friendly party :)


Active Member
What kind of feed do you add to your soil?
Soil is 30% perlite, 70% black forest compost. not rly any proper "soil" per se. I used Garden Grog on every other water from day one. Its an organic kelp/alaska spring water tea. Supposedly it can be used as a foliage spray but I didnt want to risk any mold on my first grow, plus its pretty humid year round in the Pac NW so... but for veg and first 2 weeks flower I used Grow Big and Big Bloom, into flower I switched to Tiger/Big Bloom. I water it with well water from my property. Its pretty high ph (like 7.8 out of the tap. So if I am not using Tiger in the watering, I drop ph with Rice Vinegar. I have a "is rice vinegar cool?" thread, my experience with it so far has been fantastic. But its like pure acid so 1/2 tsp per gallon brings my water to 5.5, runoff is usually 6.5-7.


Active Member
EC and PPm i chose to not pay attention to, I want to get the main nutes/lights/enivronment better dialed in before I worry about ppm/ec. I think my well water takes care of the "minor" nutes anyway.


Well-Known Member
cool, I don't bother with ppm/ec either. Ph is all I adjust and I still use the ph test solution, haven't gone digital. over my years of growing ive come to the conclusion that the plants don't need it to be an exact science and keeping it simple is often the best route to take. try not to overthink or stress on your decisions. Keep it up though! Happy growing


Active Member
cheers! yea I try not to get too caught up in the science. I have to remember I am dealing with a life (one in my opinion that is sensitive to more than just physical/chemical stimulus. I am having TONS of fun with it and learning soooo much, about Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Law, Electronics, the list goes on and on...

again, rollitup, thank you!