First Grow


its growing pretty fast but can sum1 tell me whats the stuff i circled in red on the tip on the leaves its a yellow and dark coloring



Well-Known Member
Looks like a little nute burn, or the pH as WhiteWiddow said. New seedlings should have minimal nutes at best, but nothing to really worry about.


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of that tin foil, and that brown could just be excess seed membrane sometimes the inside shell sticks to the round leafs.


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of that tin foil, and that brown could just be excess seed membrane sometimes the inside shell sticks to the round leafs.
As a previous member said, if the new leaves are dried or burnt leaves then thats a problem. Also if that is tinfoil scrap it. Purchase a emergency blanket from either walmart or some sports store. They are dirt cheap and work good. Also do you have good airflow?


Well-Known Member
Give it time, when my plant was small it got fucked up and the root stopped growing. But she recovered. Just go easy on the nutes until it gets a little bigger.


Give it time, when my plant was small it got fucked up and the root stopped growing. But she recovered. Just go easy on the nutes until it gets a little bigger.

i didnt put any nutes in yet i will for the first time this weekend it will be 2 weeks this weekend or do u think i should wait a little bit longer