First Grow


New Member
Hello This is my first grow ever and i was wondering if it was looking good or not. I only have a few pics at the moment but its one plant and its in my basement. I havent used any chemicals and im very against chemicals i think organic is the way to go all the way. I cant tell you what strain it is but i think its growing good the more light green pic is earlier by a few weeks and the darker pic is about a week ago i have since defoliated some leaves because its starting to flower. Soil, Water And Light thats it.

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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say it's not healthy. But i personally have never herd of paper ash tea, and you mite want to get that lady more light. Especially if you are going to be flowering soon. If you can't get more light maybe try to put her outside. Other then that it looks good.


Well-Known Member
Looking closely at the darker green photos, I do notice nutrition deficiencies with the new growth. My suggestion is to do a soil test and be ready to increase the amount of potting soil available or plan on feeding a quick acting fertilizer. In a small container indoors, liquid fertilizers are your best bet. If you only have dry fertilizer available, mix it with water and let it stew for a few hours, to speed up nutrient availability.

IMO... Organic is sort of a charged word in that it has different meanings to different people. If your growing and selling organic carrots the definition of organic is very strict. If your growing cannabis just about anything seems to qualify.


New Member
well im defoliating because ive noticed every leaf i take off it seems to boost something else growing. So to me its beneficial. Ive got new photos but will not be on here for a minute I dont have enough computer time were im at. I can tell you that it is starting to flower. Lots of white hairs.

Organic Toker

Active Member
Hey there mate, found ya!

Looks good to me, maybe place them where there is little breeze coming to them; will make them strong stemmed. I'll suggest adding some worm castings if u can get it, but not sure if its suited for flowering stage. Maybe experienced growers will shed more info.

Am with you in every step :)
Keep them updates coming..

Peace out!


New Member
It is only 3 and a half months old i was intentionaly dwarfing the plant for experimental reasons its only 6" high its very small but it looks like i will have a nice few tastes but im leaving it to grow for as long as it can. Years or whatever i look at it as a housrhold plant. But in the basrment shower lol.


New Member
Thx for the reply organic toker. Ive also never checked the ph i just let my water sit out open so the chemicals will dissapear. Ive recently used some bottle water with c02 in it an it perked right up.

Organic Toker

Active Member
Thx for the reply organic toker. Ive also never checked the ph i just let my water sit out open so the chemicals will dissapear. Ive recently used some bottle water with c02 in it an it perked right up.

Anytime mate :mrgreen:

I have seen growers supplementing Co2 to their plants. I sit there and breathe in their oxygen and give em my Co2 :lol: I think they like it when I blow their leaves gently like they are in the breeze, am a little crazy though:eyesmoke:

Keep up the good work and keep us posted bro....



New Member
Yea i like to breathe on them also i think it helps a lot for sure. But i have to leave the internet for good i havein network issues so i gonna have to delete my account thx for all of yur advice organic toker and hope we meet again sometime.