First Growing Season (Keep away from parents)

This will be my first grow , I will need tips and help on making my plant the best i can make it :-P. I will be most likely taking pictures of these plants every 2 weeks . This is for researching purpose only for first grow.

Im planting early but i live in flordia so its 70F+ during daylight hours 55F+ night

This how it will hopefully go down

Germinate 3 seeds hopefully well

Put 1 seed in every cup of miracle grow i have water little not to much

After 1.5 / 2 weeks retransplant in forest with a hole 1 foot radius

Nutrient with Fish emulsion2-4-5 /idk yet i need cheap and can get at wal-mart / sear/ ect ^-- Should this be for flowering or starter/vegging?
(every week i believe)

After doing same routine wait till it flower for 5-10 weeks?

Then flush it for a week or so if im right?

Then time to cut down the plants
(drying step)

I will get a hard plastic box 3-4 feet long put strings in it and hang the bud carefully and put in shed that stays warm day and night

After dry Repeatly jar/burb till cured for 2-3 weeks?

Please tell me if im on the right track or not:weed:


Active Member
1.5-2 weeks is a little soon the bigger the plant the more of a chance it will have to survive outdoors and grow to be a big can easily grow a plant from seed in a cup a foot that point u will have to transplant because the root system will be getting too big for the cup,also 55f at night is too cold yet you want 60+ nightime..miracle grow is good alot of people here will say no to it but you have to be very careful feeding because it has food in it already and u can over nute it and kill the plant..for the time being if u feel u need to feed it just stick with mg's regular plant food and use 1/4 of what the box says..thier nuts are very strong as the plant gets bigger u can go up slowly on the nutes 1/4 at a time and wait a couple of days to look for signs of over nuting..oh,i almost forgot this will sound a bit strange but deer love small green marijuana plants to munch on so urinate around the grow spot when u get her outside the deer will think someone is out there and stay away from your grow..this works for most animals that might want to eat you plant...hope this helps...

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
yeah everything he sayd is good info, the longer your growing the plant in the cup the better chance it has surviving, also animals only really wanna eat the small plants so once the more hieght you can give it before moving it to a forest is good, also MG will work im assumin the soil ur using has some ferts already in it, this will be enough to feed your plant until it is like 8inches tall then you can start feeding it very small doses of your ferts like a 1/4 of wats recomended on the label. fish emulsions are good, if you get some liquid fish emulsions to add to the water you give the plants that will help alot feed it every other watering.

the russian man

Active Member
hey man im from Florida too well tips form my grows. 1 Florida soil sucks! its mostly sand lol 2. put netting around ur plant make a net box so grasshoppers dont eat ur shit trust me those lil fuckers are annoying ummm dont water form 11-5pm cuz the Florida sun is hot and will probably fuck up your roots if you water it during the day so try watering it in the morning or wen the sun is going down lol umm get 10 seeds to germinate them in paper towel bro put that paper towel in a ziplox bag get all air out put it anywhere u want and check on it 3-5 days then get thee seeds in some soil son! which part of FL r u? im on the west south lol 2 hour down form Tampa lol i planted my sht in feb its all ready growing lol good luck keep us posted!