First Grown


Well-Known Member
So this plant is about 4 weeks old, got her (hopefully) on Ionic Grown under 6 26W cfl 6500ks. now I noticed I have massive leaves that block lower leaves from getting light. Also the roots are eating the air stone. should I trimor remove some of the fan leaves and trim the roots?



that plant looks healthy to me. i'd start flowing her cause she is going to double in size as she makes those delicious buds. I have been told to never trim off healthy leaves unless you are taking a clone, but i am a newbie, so I dont know shit. best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
hang one or two bulbs blow the canopy to light from below and the side...


Well-Known Member
Sure, its a weed.... Why not just pull a silk stocking over the pump's intake?