First harvest blehh -> Ice water hash?


Well-Known Member
My main question is is it safe to do Ice water hash on bud that might have mildew/mold?

Any other methods besides IWH that youd recommend?

How do you enjoy your hash? I dont think crumbling it up into tiny(pencil tip snapped in half tiny) rocks over my bowls was effective because I hardly noticed I put hash in my bowl at all.

So I had a decent marble size yield of IWH from some trim i had but heard from some others that they prefer dry ice and wanted RIUs' opinion. My first harvest was flushed for only a week and wasnt burped during the cure properly. Besides that the first run was bagseed and disappointingly smelled gross- that bouqete of terpenes and genetics is a fucking beautiful art. My second go had some blue dream that has a dam good burn especially being only 6 days into the cure, but still had a few bag seed from the second go that was doesnt have as a clean of a burn as I would want to smoke that gave me a headache sampling. Im going to let the 2nd harvest keep curing for a couple more weeks to give them a fair chance, but the first go has already been curing several weeks and not burping enough still have some moisture inside as bone dry as they were, quite unpleasant to smoke.
Also, dry ice yields lower quality. Its easier, but quality isnt as good. It is good for edibles. Ice Water takes a little trial amd error to get better yields but is worth it. The first few times I did it, I hated it. Now I get great results, better yields, and faster to boot.
I haven't seen any mold actually, I just am being precautious knowing that I didnt burp them often or much because they were crispy dry after 2-3 days drying the first 24hrs being 25-45% humidity with the sugar leaves trimmed right away I felt some condensation in some jars but not a ton some buds were moist but not wet after curing a long time. My 2nd round went dank as hell and cant wait to see how round three will blow me away perfecting this art. I just gota turn that first harvest into something I'll want to smoke, I think Ice water hash would go decently 2nd time around knowing what im doing it was just messy with the blender and all and the hash didnt burn well in the bowls so I hardly noticed I aded ne hash, I think this is the same as bubble hash so I guess after a few more times that I'll make a smoother quality, any suggestions on siphoning out the water? I need to find some good guides
you can save it.... in the jars your curing it in, fill it with water. Make sure all bud is fully submerged, try and leave up to an inch or so under the surface. Leave it for 12 hours. drain and repeat a few times. A lot of the terpenes will be washed away leaves you a very very mild smelling and tasting bud.

You need to re dry it obviously. A dehydrator works best.

all the mold will float to the top and be washed out the first time you rinse.

no loss in potency. just taste. you can still smoke or make edibles. this is the only way to salvage bud that has gone to mold.

will have zero street value.

Also good to do to bud if you need to be super discrete when smoking as it reduces the tell tale smell of the smoke significantly.