First Harvest - Need more humidity

Power Towel

Box stays between 65 and 75 no problem, but RH is only 35%. I have a humidifier but, looking at the "wick" inside, it sure looks, uh, moldy. I'm not sure I want to stick a moldy old humidifier in the box with my first crop.

Am I being paranoid?



Active Member
Why on earth do you want more humidity? 35% is an outstanding humidity level for flowering cannabis. Higher humidity can help vegging plants, but why oh why do you want it higher?


Active Member
omg that looks amazing but yeah ur humidity should be up about 10% more. maybe a wet towel would help? never tried it before but it sounds like it'd work lol.


Well-Known Member
Honestly you're fine. No need to increase humidity. Give the buds a few days to dry and start your cure.

Power Towel


One of the plants got some mold in a very dense area. I just hope it I did not infect too many of the "good" jars. The ziploc has the moldy bud. Still haven't weighed it. Buds are on the "airy" side for the most part - which I was expecting because it's sativa dominant and I used CFLs. If I get over 300 grams I'll be proud since it's a 300w setup. (Actually I was using more like 200w towards the end). Smoke is pretty good - not SUPER potent but definitely gets me high and I'm an everyday smoker - but - a different high for sure. Now I think I know the difference between the 'sativa' vs. 'indica' buzz. Sativas are a pain to grow but the high is nice and, I dunno, "clean"? You can definitely jump up and do just about anything.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Box stays between 65 and 75 no problem, but RH is only 35%. I have a humidifier but, looking at the "wick" inside, it sure looks, uh, moldy. I'm not sure I want to stick a moldy old humidifier in the box with my first crop.

Am I being paranoid?
the lower the humidity the better during flower.i like mine in the 20's.. denser buds and not molds