New Member

Hi everyone! I'm new to the community, and it already looks kickass!
So this year is my first official year of growing. I attempted last year but my attempts failed because of some critters. So this year I decided to try ordering a seed offline, and I must say I was extremely impressed in the process. The strain I chose was the hijack autoflower because I wanted a sativa that would finish before I go back to college in August.
Started may 5
All organic, no miracle grow
Approximate total time-
3 months
Planting - June 1
Flushing - aug 1
Target harvest- aug 15
Ordered -
may 17 from tssc
Seed info-
An extremely high quality sativa dominant auto. Hijack brings together two of the most legendary and most loved strains of all time, Jack Herer and AK-47. Jack Herer (Sensi), widely considered the pinnacle in Sativa genetics, has been crossed with the 8 times cup winning AK-47 (Serious). Once we mastered this hybrid it was given the full autoflowering seeds treatment with the addition of a Siberian Ruderalis to produce a superb strain that is our highest yielder after Auto Pounder.
Hijack is an absolute must for all Sativa lovers, but the well balanced Indica genes from the AK-47 coupled with the speed of the Ruderalis mean it is not just a connoisseurs strain. Evenly balanced in structure, the stems produce multiple dense resin covered bud sites that exude a refreshing citrus-lime flavour with undertones of spice and sandlewood. The stone is an up۝ heady high mixed with an all round body buzz thanks to the AK-47. Hijack Automatic is ready in 70 days from seed to harvest, making it an outstanding option if you۪re after a Sativa dominant plant but don۪t want to wait all summer to get it. Unlike the Jack Herer parent this strain is considered very easy to grow.
Type: Sativa/Indica/Ruderalis
Height: 50cm-90cm
Harvest: 70-80 days from seed
Stone: Cerebral body buzz
THC: High
Seed arrived on wednesday may 29
auto hijack fem
Pre Day1- friday may 30 at about 4pm
seed put in ziplock bag, paper towel wetted and folded. Some air blown into bag and sealed. Put in dark space.
Camoflaged 5 gal bucket with drainage holes -
Agway top soil
Agway cow manure
Potting soil
Local black dirt
Pea gravel + Lava rocks
Fire ashes
Pine dirt to even ph out
Larger amounts of soil, smaller of nutrient based material
Solo cup-
Soil mixture
Agway Top soil
Potting soil
Bucket put in woods near thorn path, ferns and opening over head for noon light.
Pre Day2- May 31
Seed still germinating in bag
Slight tap root seen
Day1- June 1
seed root visible, Solo cup readied, took out large items in soil such as twigs and pine needles. Seed put into soil just below surface using pencil method and tweezers. Put under fluorescent 40 watt universal dlc Eco ace light. 4 foot long and only one bulb working. Cup about a foot away from bulb. 24/7 light cycle. Cool and not so humid. Objective is to leave seed for a couple of days until sprouting and then move outside. Left overnight.
Day2 - June 2
Checked seed, and repositioned dirt so seed is poking out of dirt. First hint of leaves appear, and root has grown down into dirt. Seed shell/husk is still on, needs to pop soon. Repositioned cup closer to light, brought cup outside into wind and sun for 10 minutes. Misted cup with water containing drop of lemon juice spray bottle about 3 times. Later in day seedling started to straighten up and lose curl. Seed should pop off soon and leaves are getting bigger. Left overnight.
Fencing idea for pests-
Add extra tomato cage to form hexagon and add more room.
Surround with burlap and tie down with jute.
Paint over burlap with camo paint.
Coat over burlap with spray sealant.
Day3- June 3
Checked seedling in morning and in afternoon. At about 9 pm moved seedling from down stairs under fluorescent bulb into closet under 1 single 13w cfl bulb. Bulb is close and is about 6 inches away from seedling. This was done to prevent stretching.
Day 4- June 4
Seedling checked, light left on all last night through today until 4pm. Light repositioned to be centered and closer to plant. Light left off from 5pm to 8:30pm. Turned back on all night. Plant is slightly bigger with first leaves and second rough pair are growing in.
Fencing put up at grow site. Used burlap all around hexagonal cage about 2 feet above ground. Supported with rocks and spray camo the burlap greenish. Sprayed over with clear coat to seal and waterproof. Dirt mixed up a bit.
Day 5- June 5
checked plant, getting bigger, the two rough leaves are getting bigger. Light has been left on and took co2 canister and leaked co2 into area for plant. Will see if it has an effect. Sprayed dirt with squirt bottle several times.
Day 6 - June 6
Checked plant multiple times, fixed light around and such. At 7:30 pm readjusted light in best spot, water with quarter shot glass, and misted with spray bottle a few times. Light has stayed on.
Plant is getting bigger, the two side leaves look good, they are getting bigger. The two first leaves have a weird curl to them, assumed from trying to get more light from the bulb. Hopefully they will straighten out.
Light shut off at 10:45pm. Co2 leaked into area. Beginning of second set of rough leaves observed
Light turned on at 12pm.
Day 7-June 7
Checked seedling at 4pm. Cotyledons turning yellow on one slightly, think its heat stress. Took plant out, watered and moistened soil turned over a bit, groomed it. Misted also, but learned to not mist only if lights will be off. Co2 leaked onto plant. New light added also, one cfl 13 watt in cool white, more blue spectrum, vs the other light was soft white more red spectrum. Lifted both lights above plant to give more room and less heat. Also found a hand fan, might use it for plant or drying bud, haven't decided.
Day 8- June 8
Lights left on all night. At 3pm took seedling out and cut drainage holes in bottom. Shut lights off. Will give the seedling a dark break. Leaves drooping slightly, think its a heat issue
Lights left on until 11pm.
Day 9- June 9
Cool white cfl turned on at 4am and light has been on all day. Leaves are perking up, getting bigger, and second set is getting bigger.
Ps. I'm planning on moving it outside soon to transplant early but the weather has been very rainy here for about two weeks and its supposed to be rainy all this week.
If anyone has any guidance I'll gladly appreciate it! I hope to to get some good bud this August!