First Outdoor Grow. growing problem?


Hey. I'm growing outdoor for my first time, actually growing period for my first time. I have a couple plants in pots up in a spot in my backyard where they cant be seen by family members and get plenty of sun.

One of the sprouts is looking kinda funny. It had two stems coming up from the dirt, criss crossing...? and now one split. idk. anybody know the problem? the other sprout looks healthy. :leaf:

I'll try and get a pic up of it soon.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a HUGE backyard I dont think you'll be able to hide any flowering plants from your family members.

Even if you could its not cool to plant on your parents property, if the plants go down they go down. Do them and yourself a favor and throw em on some public property or someone elses... you said you had neighbors haha.


The first sprout is about 5-6 days old. Second sprout is like 3. Second sprout took a lot longer to germinate, and was the same strain. If you look to the right of the leaves, you can see that second stem sprout thing. It's not connected to the leaves lol


Well-Known Member
i dont see anything you need to worry about

well other then all that bark in your soil. is it PH balanced???


It should be. I got it from a friend who really knows his stuff. he helped me in the very beginning but now im on my own.

btw what does bark do to the grow? and is it throughout my soil or are you talking about the larger pieces on the top.


Active Member
I think that second sprout is the root. Did you just lay the seed on the soil and sprinkle on dirt? If seed starts laying on it side and barely covered root could do that.


it could have been planted sideways. I remember when i first planted the seeds i planted the first one down, and the second one was barely starting germinating but I didnt want to keep the sides indoor anymore.


Active Member
yea man if that root is in the sun it wont grow, just throw some dirt ov3er the root end, or cafefully dig up the plant and replant it growing downward