First outdoor grow, have a few questions.

Hi I'm a new grower in socal and just planted outside, is it too early? I saved most seeds to plant in a few weeks. My plants are in an underclearing I made under high growth and trees/brush so it can't be seen. They receive almost direct sunlight in parts throughout the day but bcus they are under other growth they receive a lot of partial sunlight will they grow ok? Also how often do I need to water if they are in the soil? Could I go every 2-3 days and be ok? Lastly I have to dry outside in my grow area. I know light degrades thc so was thinking of hanging buds in a cardboard box with holes in it and closing the top so it stays dark. It never gets really humid here so would this work? Just dry until the small stems snap and thick ones bend then snap and put them in jars to cure? Any thoughts or tips would help thank you all!


Well-Known Member
If you're planting from seed cool temps can really damage little girls. If you're plants are already 8 inches or so then you should be fine as long as the dew point doesn't get below 40 or you don't have a string of days where it's below 45 at night
Thank you for the reply. I just put two seeds directly in the moist soil today do you think they will sprout? I have 18 more so it's ok. How do you germinate/ plant?
Any other tips would be helpful. Can any other growers chime in please? After 100 views I would have hoped to have more help

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I dont plant outside till July . I start them indoors around may..they still get big I can pull a lb to a lb and a half off each plant if all goes for bugs and water when they start to look sad not droopy just sad ..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Its common if you know what your doing more or less! If you put them in good soil and dig a huge hole...I use foxfam oceanforest. U got to keep them fed protect them from bugs and get a strain thats forgiving. Its common for some not so much for others..shit for some people ten lbs plants are common...if this is your first grow I wouldn't expect a lb a plant maybe shoot for a qp a plant.
the biggest plant I've ever grew was a 4 pound sativa i think it was amnisia haze.