First outdoor grow need help please

Ok so this will be my first outdoor grow I have many questions. Okay well for starters can I use the seeds that I recieve out of the dimes and what not that I get to smoke or do they have to be special seeds. Also someone told me I can start the seeds out in a shoebox under my bed until they start to grow a little bit. Another thing would I have to use nutrients and special types of soil? That's about it for the questions but if anybody has a guide or tips that would help that would be great also I'm From PA and right now it's just starting to warm up


Active Member
read the facts, other posts and get a book. Educate yourself by reading what others have done.

Yes you can plant bagseed, I guess you can germinate them under your bed if you want to. Soil is kind of dependant on whats available in your area. Nutriants are dependant on your soil choice.

Read, Read, Read.....


I love my guide (like 40 mags of hightimes all cut up and made into a book, every section i need is covered.)
You can't go wrong with the paper towel method for germinating- look it up and just don't let the roots get more than a couple of cm's long or the root will start curling.
At least get some cfl bulbs, i have near 25 babies and they seem to be loving it- i also take them out on good days.
If you don't want to fool with special soil just buy Montys Liquid carbon, after 2 weeks your soil will be ready to go.
Bag seed in great soil (organic is what i use) with lots of love can turn out great, just start a lot of seeds so you can pick your best ones.

loaded dervish

Active Member
I would not trust bag seeds never know what your geting. if there are seeds in your sack it is not that great of weed. If you are going to spend money on soil and nuts buy seeds. atleast if you buy seeds you know what genaticts your geting when your plant will finish can it stand the cold or rain. there is alot of quetions when it comes to growing bag seeds. I would get some patio soil from home depot and dig a hole plant your bag seeds add nuts 2 times a week and see how it gose. it is always a gamble with bag seeds hope you dont get a kush that will flower tell november!!


Active Member
To be perfectly honest with you all you need is seeds, good soil and a shovel- plant em water em, and let em grow nothing special at all but- using store bought soil and nutrients can alow you to grow better herb easier


Active Member
diesel gave you the perfect answer..i myself am growin my first plant right now...its bagseed also...this is the test rabbit :p

all you have to do is make sure you have soil, seed, water ... and START!