First Outdoor Grow with Four Different Strains in Northern California

Hello everyone!

Im brand new to posting on this forum but really love everyones support and helpfulness. I am just starting my first grow here and the first set of seeds were started on april 7th. I germinated 3 snowcap and 3 lambs bread seeds so far and they are looking great as they go through the seedling stage.

For my first grow I am growing Romulan, Trainwreck, Snowcap, and Lambs Bread. The Romulan and Trainwreck are going to be grown from a clone state and will not be started until early may. Currently I have my Snowcap and Lambs bread just working on growing their roots and leaves.

I will be moving them outside each morning and then bring them inside once it starts getting darker/colder or if there is a rain, which in unlikely.
I hope to update this thread throughout my whole grow process and I will be posting pictures on my progress. Let me know if you have ANY tips or suggestions

2012-04-14 07.09.00.jpg2012-04-14 07.08.46.jpg2012-04-14 07.09.26.jpg

Hope you guys enjoy watching my plants grow with me!
For starters, are my seedlings on the right track of growth for being almost a week old? I ask that because we got a few days of rain and during that time I had them inside with me and I put them under a small lamp. During that time they only grew a small amount.

How do you think they look?


Well-Known Member
yeah they look normal to me...last year i had my limit of 15 plants in the dirt late, a june 1st start and then my card expired in august and i cut them down and now this years are going to finnish...the plants i had were about 5ft 3in...train wreck...this years are swamp bud,train wreck,a plant that tastes like chive onions so i call it "ONION",and willies last indoor i stressed seeds out of six strains and got a bunch of awsome female really it is my first that is going to make it to harvest...good luck norcal-d.
Thanks for the information man. Yeah they are doing pretty good, and are growing a decent amount each day. I will continue to update and post pictures as I go. One other question I have is that I have the plants out on my porch, so they only get direct light in the morning and then shadows cover them, so do they need direct 360 degree sunlight or will my set up work? thanks for your help