First plant ! Just planted need help!!!


New Member
I have germinized the seed already to notice the sprout came out of the shell of the seed. I continued planting it still because everyone has told me it is fine , and not damaged.

I filled a cup of with soil/dirt, Covered the sprout up completely. It is cold at the moment in Florida so I decided for some extra heat just for the night I let it sit under a normal room light I have in a closet of mine that is less then 3x3 feet. I wokeup now to notice it is sticking right up and just wanted to make sure I did it correctly? Someone please take a look and let me know, also give me tips and everything I need to know! Thanks very much

The 4 pictures were uploaded as attatchments! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK.




Well-Known Member
If you put your new seedling into regular soil it was a mistake. AS for advice, relax, don't over water it, and if it survives for another 2 weeks transplant it into some kind of potting soil. Read the forums on growing and keep it as simple as possible for your first grow or two. You don't mention what sort of lighting you are going to be using so that is all I can do for you. Good Luck, Larry


New Member
If you put your new seedling into regular soil it was a mistake. AS for advice, relax, don't over water it, and if it survives for another 2 weeks transplant it into some kind of potting soil. Read the forums on growing and keep it as simple as possible for your first grow or two. You don't mention what sort of lighting you are going to be using so that is all I can do for you. Good Luck, Larry

I currently don't have access to any type of lighting so I will be growing outdoors.


Well-Known Member
So basically it will be a flower from seed grow, right? Florida is on a 12 hour light cycle yes? Sorry its minus 15 here lol. I think if possible i would veg it for a bit under a cfl, then move it out if im right about the sun. And yes its growing fast huh lol. You really need to read the outdoor and newb sections as well.