First plant. just set up CFL closest grow.


Hello there,
so the story goes like this.
My mother is recovering from breast cancer and received her medical :leaf: card.
she ended up buying a plant and the guy at the club said "its a weed it'll grow just about anywhere just stick it in the window"
and that's what she did, its been sitting in our kitchen window for...a month?
I cant remember when she bought it.
About a week ago i transplanted it into a bigger pot and started carrying it outside during the day and bringing it in at night.

Just recently i started reading about plant care and how to grow it with some efficiency.
I came across a $100 HID lamp on craigslist but thought before i drop $100 i'd give this $30 set up a try.

two 42W CFLs and
two 26W CFLs

I attempted a "topping" as i noticed my plant is a lot taller than a lot of plants i've seen online and here on the forums.

I am basically posting here for suggestions/comments/any feedback




Well-Known Member
Awesome man. Looks great. Growing indoors is not as easy as that guy made it sound. They are definitely fragile. I'm diggin your postal box, box :D.. Those lights will work great. They look 2700k, are they? Either way it should turn out fine, the plant being in the window was probably getting insufficient light. The plants are loving those cfls im sure. HID would be the way to go if you decide to continue growing. gl with the grow :D :leaf:


Well-Known Member
She looks fine for being in a window for a while. I would move 2 of the 26watt bulbs to the side of the plant to encourage more side shots to grow, and you should read up on lst (low stress training) it really helps getting the most out of your lights.


The two 42W are both 2700k.
The box didnt say anything about them being cool or warm but they look really white to m. Im going to go and try to find some cooler cfls today
As i think i read the user gardenknownm used both warm and cool throughout his cfl grow. And i`ll stick those on the side.
Thanks for the replies guys.


Active Member
I wish your mom all the luck in the world!

As for the plant, instead of buying the light for $100 spend that on everything you need for your setup. My setup cost me less than $100 and my plant is doing fantastic, link to my grow is in my sig. Get a cardboard box to make a grow space and spray paint the inside flat white.


]Looked into lst and already got her tied down.thanks for the tip.

Thanks slversun.
Checked outyour link, i`ve seen it befo when i was researching the cfl grows. It looks awesome. Have you harvested it yet?


Active Member
what type is the hid system on craigslist?

how many watts?

can get a 150 w system for under 100 new and they do a decent job for what they are. heat is also less of a issue on the 150 vs 250, 400, etc.

whats the sq ft of your grow space?