First post, first journal, second grow!


Hello everybody!

Picture this - 22, living in a dorm, thinking about growing a plant with roommates. Seed comes from a pile of gathered bagseeds. As luck has it - we get a female! A month goes by, a second one and a third one. Plants starting to grow flowers!!! "Guys - probably already potent, lets dry it!" In an oven ofcourse. No effect what so ever.

That's a quick recap of my 1st grow.

I did have the knowledge - I had done my research - but young minds don't have the patients, especially when 3 are living together.

But now it's time for my second try!

Let me introduce you to my beauty. I think she's been growing for a month and a half but probably it's getting close to 2 now. Currently only natural sun light - which I thankfully get most of the day and quite intensly. But I'm thinking of getting a light as the sun has started to reach the plant later and later day by day.

So how it all started. Again 2 bag seeds. I did it last time and I am doing it again. It's playing with luck but it's all currently about experience anyway! Don't really know the sex of the 2 yet but probably might be able to tell soon now. Didn't really soak the seeds anywhere. As before, stick it in the dirt and wait.

Bought dirt that is ment for growing vegetables and such - and a quick related question to experts: should I add fertalizer at any point?

So I let them grow for 6 levels and then topped them both. Also started with LST at the same time. And currently it's filling in nicely!

I just love the bushy look and I love that it's so low profile. I remember last time it got quite tall and it was bad to move it around.

And now we are at the point you can see on the pictures. My current plan is to let it fill in, bulk up and grow larger for some time and then switch it over to 8-12 to induce flowering.

Will be updating the journal now on. It's actually a very nice feeling to care about such a thing so much but I really enjoy seeing it develop and helping it in the way!

Peace out



So an update! Didn't really bother updating for a while for 2 reasons:
1) No intrest in this journal (though i guess new posts themselves make it in time)
2) As i used bag seeds i was not sure in the sex and feared both would be males

So what's new! Made some big changes. The sun started getting lower and reaching the window at later times each day with full exposure drying down fast. So i switched to CFL's. I have 100% exposure to light now! Also on saturday I switched to flowering stage aka 12-12. Bought my 1st batch of nutrients as well. 1-2-3 ratio. Haven't really used any so far as the growth medium itself was ment for growing and had added nutes. But started to see slower growth probably light + nutes combo together being the reason. I can tell now that the plant thanks me for the added nutes! This is 1 of the great things about growing a plant yourself - you actually see and understand that it is a living organism :)

So I'm on day 5 on flowering mode and a few days ago i started seeing the organs starting to develop. I've been fearing and dreading the day they develop enough to tell the sex. They have been looking very like polen sacs but the unsertanty was due to them being a bit pointy.

And today when i arrived home from work to my suprise BOTH PLANTS (FROM FREAKING BAG SEEDS!!!!!) HAVE DEVELOPED SOME SMALL PISTILS!!!!!!

I will be posting pictures in few days - waiting for the pistils to get a big bigger and grow in quanity as well.

Also I have 2 questions to the experts:
1) I've noticed drops of water (moisture) on the upper leaves when i arrive home. But the last time i watered the plant was on saturday so it cannot be from that. Can anyone explain to me how the water gets there. And it's not just misty. It's probably like 2-3 larger drops of water.

2) I have to leave for the weekend so I would be away from the plant from 11:30 AM Saturday to 6 PM Sunday. As i've switched to flowering mode I wan't to know if i should just keep it in the dark for that time?

EDIT: So added pics of the pistils. I had a little scare again when re confirming them :D but found them many again correctly! Picture 2 and 3 are of the same pistil just.

EDIT2: And now when i looked correctly i can freakin' see sooooo many of them! I'm so excited right now!!!!!


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Update time!

Currently on day 18 flowering.

I have made some changes.
  • Added reflective walls around the plant. Though from aluminum foil, still a pretty good solution. Plant had this small sub-branch at the bottom that didn't really get very much light due do at first there being 2 plants in the pot and top lighting + the way artificial light works. Didn't really develope. Well after adding the reflective walls it started growing suddenly and has developed pistils and is growing calyxs'.
  • Made a light proof pitch black room for the 12 sleep hours. I did have a dark place before but i believe i had some (or quite a lot) light leakage there. And again i see the changes in growth suddenly!
  • A bit more LST to let the light spread evenly. Atm branches are flexible still so quite the last time to do it anyway.
Really enjoying the stage it's in currently. Even though the yeald won't be big, it's still great experience and I've already taken down some notes for improvements for the next time.

Forgot to mention that the second plant turned out to be both sexes so had to remove it.



Well-Known Member
Not a bad thing different strains do different things :)
sometimes it is though. I need these 4 week veggers to show sex like yesterday so I can cull all but the best male, and so I can get my seedlings into the veg tent. Lol I signed up for testers and was a few weeks further behind than I thought, so it was a mad dash to get all my test beans popped on time. Made it though! Gonna see how this Mango Biche x Iraqi and Dragonsblood x OMG turn out!