First proper grow, 4x fem white widow, cfl


Active Member
Hey all,

First of all the only reason I am doing this journal is to obtain advice and (constructive) criticism. I am not trying to boast any kind of clever set-up or method to obtain HUGE yields (although that would be very nice). So I welcome your comments :mrgreen:

With that here's my setup (pics will come as soon as seeds emerge from soil):-

- I used 12 hour soak then paper towel method beginning at 3pm thursday nov 3rd
- Tap root visible on all four by Saturday night.
- put 3 in 4inch deep 2x2" pots, one in a solo cup cut down and slits in the bottom.
- I am using whitney farms seed starter mix (50%) and a local nursery's organic potting soil (50%). The seed starter is sphagnum moss and pearlite mix.
- I have them set in a rubbermaid tote with a cpu fan venting air through a hole in the lid, each with a 26 watt daylight cfl (these are sadly only 5000k I have my mogul adapters on the way and when they arrive I am going to get 4 65 watt 6500k bulbs form Lowes).

I plan to take the strongest two and scrog them in a home made box (still under construction).

The box will be 2'x2' floor space and 4' tall. I have made a frame out of 2x2 boards which raises the floor of the cabinet by 2' allowing airflow underneath from two sides. The floor will be the perforated mdf with holes drilled at 1" intervals (passive intake). I will be using clamp lamps on the frame, which will be inside the box. Screen will be at around the 2' mark. 120mm cpu fans (prolly 3) will vent air out of the top of the cabinet, and I am going to rig some kind of clamp fan to circulate air inside the cab and eventually on the canopy of the scrog.

I will be using an organic kelp based soil booster in my water regime, and when I transplant they will go into Fox Farms Ocean. I plan on using stronger nutes only as the plant tells me to.

Thats about it, pics of the cabinet when its done and as soon as I get some above soil action I will post pics of the ladies too.

:peace::peace::peace:wish me luck:peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
Oh yes, and one more thing, can anyone recommend a product that will test humidity, ph in soil, and temperature all in one? Or are these just pipe dreams I am speaking of?


Well-Known Member
get some ph up and down and get a tester or if u wanna go cheap get the ph test strips they work perfect for me


Well-Known Member
hey bud let us know how things are growing ! i have a ton of info in my thread about budget growing link at bottom gets you start to finish cfl grow! i made alot of mistakes when i started but all was well for harvest time thanks to the guys here on riu!


Active Member
Here is an update, 2 of them are a couple days ahead so I have only taken pics of the two that have been above ground for 2 days. Still in rubbermaid and still waiting for 6500K cfl's. After doing some more reading I realized that 5000k is less useful to the plant in veg than 2700k so thats what I have on them now. 5x 23 watt and 1x42 watt 2700k cfls.

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Well-Known Member
why wait for cfls when u can go to ace and get a 26w 6500k for no more tha 3 bucks go to some of my threads and youll see how amazing that the are


Active Member
why wait for cfls when u can go to ace and get a 26w 6500k for no more tha 3 bucks go to some of my threads and youll see how amazing that the are
unfortunately the ace, home depot, lowes, and all other hardware and lighting stores within driving range of me only sell 5000K max cfls unless you go to mogul size and then they arent self ballasted and the stores sell nothing to plug em in to. Trust me if 6500K bulbs under 100W were available to me I would have them by now.


Active Member
They are looking pretty happy for now. I think until they go into full veg stage I am pretty safe with my 2700K's. I have over 150watts shining on about 2 cubic feet (1x1.5x1.5). If anyone read my last grow which was the test run with bag seed, they are already looking bigger and healthier than the bag seed exp. The issue there I think was way too hot of a growing environment due to poor ventilation. A problem that has been fixed for this grow. I also decided to save some time and buy a grow tent matching the dimensions above. Rather than building my own box (I literally dont even have a power drill). I had a sad/funny realization the other day... I am almost 30 years old and for the first time in my life I need power tools lol! My girlfriend had to remark that its no shock that the need arose from my love of weed!


Active Member
So this morning I awoke to a strange purple patching on one of my plants leaves. I took a pic but it almost looks more dark green on the picture. ph is spot on. I havent read about 'purpling of leaves' and they are white widows so I wasnt expecting any purple foliage. Comments???
