first scog attempt

nz green

Active Member
iv got 2 sativa plants not sure what type they are in 30litre buckets in pumice with a top feeding recycle system they are 2weeks old started on a cf of between 8-10 ph 6.0 under a 400mh i havnt put the mylar on the wall yet will do this week iv started trainning them by tieing them down when i put the screen on ill release the ties and start trainning them through the screen iv topped them once i wnt to know how many more times i can do that ill keep this updated any advise will be much appreciated



Well-Known Member
Looking good! You are going to be happy with this method. This is what I use and it’s real how much they say it will boost your yield! I have built custom tables for an ebb and flow system that is amazing. Good luck with yours man… I will watch, if you have any questions hit me up.

nz green

Active Member
iv never had these clones before got them of a friend who didnt know much about them ther've been in for 3 weeks now and they smell pretty strong in veg is this a good thing anyone know

nz green

Active Member
one more week and ill flower i had a bug scare picked it up fast sweet now smells realy nice in the room for veg stronger than my last ones heres some pics:joint:


nz green

Active Member
could anyone tell me if these plants look like a sativa or indica or x im not sure some leaves look broad some look skinny so please anyone if you know then let us know:peace:


Active Member
I would have to say Sativa since they look long and narrow, indica tends to have more of a short plump leaf blade.


Active Member
Didnt notice how old that question was lol.

But Damn, refresh the page and you got some nice freekin pron posted :p woot a+ man. :)

nz green

Active Member
yea i can tell now when it was younger it had broader leaves a bit of a mix a friend said it might be a cross more sativa dominant i dont know but im happy with how there going first hydro attempt aswell as first scrog


Well-Known Member
What are you keeping your PPM at? The only reason I ask is because I like most others am self educated grower, and used to keep my PPM around 1000 to 1200 during the flower cycle, and another grower who is way past what I am as far as knowledge and experience told me to keep them around 500 to 600, and trust me I was skeptical, and for the shits of it did it anyways. He was %100 my plants are way more healthy, and the progress is evident. You can tell the plants like this way more. I myself use all Technaflora products, he uses different stuff, but the point is that you might benefit much like I have from using this technique. If you do make the attempt like I did let me know how well it works for you.

nz green

Active Member
iv got it now at 15 cf we use cf sorry so i take it thats 1500 ppm ph between 6-6.5 useing canna nutes and additives as soon as i loaded my rez with canna boost flowers appeared the next day they look very happy and healthy ill change it i trust u man lol ill keep the additives the same but keep the base nutes at 6 ill giv it a go ae cheers:joint:

nz green

Active Member
also running 800watts now 400 hps and 400mh light i only had 400watt mh for veg perfect air flow a cheap yeast sugar and water c02 bomb seems to work temp gets highest iv seen 28.6 wich is just higher than optimal but iv struggled keeping temp right i think its the mh iv rigged a light dimmer to the fan so i crank it when the lights on then fade it when its of inlet fan aswell on timer for dark period half an hour every 2hrs and on full during the day time they feed for half hour every 2 1/2 hours and 2 15minute drips during lights of:joint:

nz green

Active Member
three weeks in had to prune out round the bottom it was just thick with leaf and under it was alot of wimpy growth opened it up heaps dont like doing it but when the buds want light they want light

