FIRST SCRoG- Flo (pictures)




Well-Known Member
Things are looking good but not sure how much a "scrog" that is. Looks more like you are just using the screen to hold your branches up. Scrog is training the plant under the screen and letting all the smaller sites grow up through the screen to create more colas.

No worries though, it will turn out great and you will learn a lot in the process.

PS- get rid of all the small stuff under
Things are looking good but not sure how much a "scrog" that is. Looks more like you are just using the screen to hold your branches up. Scrog is training the plant under the screen and letting all the smaller sites grow up through the screen to create more colas.

No worries though, it will turn out great and you will learn a lot in the process.

PS- get rid of all the small stuff under

Thanks for the reply, somehow all the information got deleted.

When branches starting popping through in veg I did train underneath the screen, but eventually there got to be too many or the branches were too stiff to pull back under so I had to just tie them down. Does this sound right? About 10 branches per plant are trained through the screen, going up and under about 4-7 holes per branch. I really struggled here going off the guides but now I'll know for next time!


Well-Known Member
the idea of a scrog is to have the branches spreading out from your plant across the under side of the screen so that they all grow at the same hieght so as to get a nice dense even canopy. when the branches get too stiff to bend you can use the supercrop technique. it creates like a knuckle in the branch where you bend it over so severely but it help keep them flat. have a quick nose in the last 2 pages of the 250w hps thread there is a scrog on there that looks awesome.