First tim grow Male Female or to early

sorry for the low quality pics but its all i have at this time. hope to get some help prob the cheapest grow ever but could use some help. welcome to questions.


Well-Known Member
hey to all this is my first grow and dont know what the hell im doing and if im doing anything right lol. please help.
Not looking too bad, how many weeks? looks like your close to pre flowers. 3-4 weeks usually matures the plant or starts to show signs. Its a bit early you need to blow the fan on the plant a bit harder if you can to get the stem to stiffen up more and the lights need to be closer you started off stretched or making the plant reach for light. YOu should see some signs in couple more days possibly its close


Active Member
yeah looks to be to early to tell.
and you might want to put the light closer or get more light

and on the side note i got the same remote for my
i have four 15 watt cfl and a 13 watt uv reptile light. i know crappy lighting but its my first time and wanted to do it kind cheap first and of course a lack of money doesnt help. age it was germed in mid october just started 12/12 2 days ago


Well-Known Member
kinda odd looking. idk
dam bro you could turn this around with not that much money

even that lil 150w hps would make that baby explode compared to what your doing now. If your not going to get more lighting then please get the lights as close as you can without making your hand uncomfortable, if your hand can take the heat being an inch away then so can the plants and you need to get them as close as you can