First time aeroponics!


Active Member
Okay, so me and my friend are trying to grow using the aeroponics technique. Weve got the rubbermaid bin setup with 6 net pots and hydroton. I germinated the seeds and once they popped my friend put them in soaked rockwool cubes and stuck them in a clear bin under a 400w MH light. They seem to be doing great. My question is... when do we put them in the hydroton? I was thinking that once the roots came through the rockwool then they should be put in... rockwool and all. is this right? will the sprinklers still reach the tiny roots through the net pots and the hydroton? or should we wait until the roots are longer to put them in? Also, my friend kinda messed up by adding a tiny bit of nutes into the rockwool cube water. this wont damage the seedlings will it?