first time bagseed popper


Well-Known Member
usually i grow clones i have had pretty good grows question is whats the best way to get my 5 seeds started ? so far all the advice i got on here was good i just took the majority rules approach so I would appreciate some answers Thanx :weed: :weed: :weed: :weed: :weed: :weed: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
If they aren't super old, water a cup of your chosen medium and toss em in! If they're a few years old, or look tough soak them in water for 24hrs at most, then toss them in the cup. Keep the medium moist, but not swampy. Wait a few days for your new babies!


Well-Known Member
I grow organic. I use seed starter mix (mostly peat with some perlite thrown in). Essentially, I follow the directions on the bag. Works awesome. When they're almost as tall as the little seed starter cup, which I reused from the local nursery, I re-pot it in my actual soil.

That easy and simple for my organic setup.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I put them in a shot glass of tap water for long enough that they sink when swirled(12-24 hours )
That means they are viable
Then straight into medium and wait
No dome , maybe a light misting daily

EDIT : One more thing starting them in a beer cup with only a couple inches of medium
leaves room to add more soil as the seedlings start to stretch before foliage has begun to develop
Good luck