First Time CFL. Check it Out!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I just started out growing and wanted to share my lil babies with u. I am using 7 26watt softwhite cfls on a 12/12 cycle from seed. For nutes im using BloomBooster by miracle grow( i know xD). Plants are looking great so far just waiting for them to sex. these pics were taken today (Day 20 of grow) hoping the plants will begin to sex soon.

Any and all feedback is welcome.

Question - Is 20 to 30 days about the average amount of time to sex a plant w/ a 12/12 cycle from seed? im sure it varies. any feedback would be great!

EDIT:: have to repost with pics.. (new to site)


Well-Known Member
yeah it is actually, usually after two or three weeks of vegg a switch to 12/12 should trigger the flower stage to begin and after about a week of that you should begin to see tell tell signs of sex. be it balls or pistils you should know by day 30 (if say you've been flowering since week three)

ps. the girls are looking nice


Well-Known Member
Thx for the feedback guys, it means alot :).. i made a video showing my crappy grow setup, search antibot420 on youtube if u want to see it. Ill keep updating pics and vids. the seeds are just some random bag seeds, each plant is form a different sack. Cant wait to improve my setup as time goes on. -Growing MJ for Life :D


Well-Known Member
nah dude aot of ppl mistake but all i gota say is my females always look like that^^ haha and those dont really look like balls


Well-Known Member
Thx for the info. Next time ill wait a lil longer before i pull one up :(. I was able to get a real close look at them. when i pulled one of the balls off it was connected by a tiny stem. Almost sure it was a male. Also, i heard that males tend to smell earlier than female plants. Anyone know if thats true? Im sure the strain has a lot to do with it. Let me know what u think. Thx again for the feedback. :)

bill johnson

its looking good, but I would recommend putting up some reflective material to get more use out of those lights, because they are cfls they dont have that much of a penetration radius, but if you go to the depot you can get some of the bubble pop style reflective insulation. I think a roll that will last you like 4 box builds is like 10 bucks. They look fricken great though, make sure that you take a clone of that baby before that it gets to far in flower (it is harder to clone as it matures, yet not impossible.)


Well-Known Member
Thx for the feedback bill! :D I guess i will be heading to the homedepot this weekend. As for cloning, im not sure what to cut, so i am going to do some research. Thx again :)


Well-Known Member
I trimmed the bottom 3rd of my female plant. (Pics Below)


Have 4 clones going now. I do not have any rooting solution. I am taking a dark container making holes in the top and letting them sit in some RO water. I read that is it possible to start a clone rooting this way. Going to keep them on 24 hr cycle but not sure how long i need to leave them in there. Almost made a Vertical cut on the bottoms of the clones to expose as much of the plant as possible. Let me know what u think. The more feedback the better :D.. (pics below)



Active Member
Hey HighLife,

Lookin good so far brotha. I've been stalking various forums for awhile and Im on a mission just like you, haha!!

Can you clarify something for me tho:

Did you start your plant from day 1 at 12/12? Are you confined to space, is that your rationale for starting them at 12/12 or am I missing something else at work here?



Well-Known Member
U said it Kronic "Are you confined to space" Yea, been on 12/12 from seed. i am growing them in the corner of my room and am trying to limit how tall they will grow. Also i am using only 2700k cfls witch will help with size a little. Was just reading yesterday that clipping the bottom 3rd of the plant will help with upper-out word growth and limit how tall it will grow.


Well-Known Member
I ended up moving the clones under a 1100k light and clipped the leaves. I think i am only going to do 18/6 cycle for 1 day in the water.

Then transplant into soil in a container that i can close off somehow for more moisture. i have an idea of what i am going to make. Will update with pics tomorrow.