First time cuttings showing me RoOoOotz!! Now what


Well-Known Member
This is like my 3rd attempt at trying to get a clone, I do feel all good about myself here probably pretty sad but hey mom look what I can do!!2yo3ca.jpg

But there's some in a aero cloner, 1 in a solo cup and 50000 in 4 different cups of water, how soon should I throw esp the ones in water into soil or how can I add oxygen too the water or will i not even need to do that?
Ive just been using a spray bottle on jet to try and push air into the water with trigger Burts of water and a micro drop of hydrogaurd and dash of great white in the spray bottle ? .... I don't know what I'm doing lol thanks in advance guys

P.s yesterday I hit them with a mister of worm compist tea and I'm pretty sure they loved it!! I assumed they could use a little nutes sitting there foe around / over a week

