first time, got some questions


Active Member
First time grower, wanna do it right. Most of the stuff I learned on how to grow was from the internet. I would like to yield as much as possible so im takin this serious, but i got some questions it bein my first time. My box is only about 20inches high and 1.5ft x 3.5ft. I also have about 11 to 13 weeks at most to grow. I read of topping the plant or even tying it to slow down its height. Does topping the plant cause more nodes to form which will in turn yield more? Help please, if ya can.
20 inches height minus pot height and minus light hang will not leave you will any room.. your best bet would be to grow a lowryder... that will grow 8 to 18 inches


turn your box on its side (if you can) and make either 1.5' or 3.5' your height... i dont think 20 inches will cut it for any normal plant
even lowrider grows to about 18 inches i believe. Your best bet would be to either turn it on its side, or get something else to grow in... if you cant scrape up a better place to grow than that, you will have problems the whole time... if you are going to take it serious, take it serious
Thanks for the idea of putting the box on its side, i never even thought of that but id rather not. With the limited space I have i wanted to use the smallest pot possible to grow my plants in, since the pot doesn't have to big cause my plant wont be tall. So with about 20inches high, right now im thinkin i guess about 5 inches up for the roots to grow leaves me about 15inches left. I read about plants being this small, just having to flower them earlier which is what i want to do. Need some good input. Please help if ya can.
Thanks for the idea of putting the box on its side, i never even thought of that but id rather not. With the limited space I have i wanted to use the smallest pot possible to grow my plants in, since the pot doesn't have to big cause my plant wont be tall. So with about 20inches high, right now im thinkin i guess about 5 inches up for the roots to grow leaves me about 15inches left. I read about plants being this small, just having to flower them earlier which is what i want to do. Need some good input. Please help if ya can.
you wont get anything worthwhile, when you hear about those tiny plants, it's people doing experiments just to see if they can do it. you'll want more height, especially since you said you are taking this seriously, and you want as much as possible.
i agree... 20 inches minus lights and pot will leave you nothing,, i doubt anything will even grow in that.. lowryder is one of the smallest plant around and does not go through a typical vegetative stage like most plants.. it stays on 18 hour light for the whole life cycle but can still grow up to 16-18 inches
My thing is though I dont know if need height because im not sure if i have enough time for them to grow. About 14 weeks most. So i was thinking keepin them short, having lights on the sides to help lighting. Try to make them shorter and bushier. I mean if you know for sure if its better to put the box sideways and grow like one or two tall plants with about 3.5ft of height than growing a couple small plants with 20inches of height to work with let me know and i guess ill just put the box sideways. My conern is though putting the box sideways will make it look suspicious, so id rather not but hardly anyone goes in this room. Please help. Need some good opinions.
I like challenges, but 20" , thats pretty damn small. I would take a step back and reconsider bro.

If you do get it to work it will most likely be a nighmare to maintain etc...
gotta new box. a dresser that i'm gonna hallow out. it's about 15x48x30. i just gotta worry about heat now
nice, it would be cool to keep the front of the drawers and mount them on the from on the door to keep the appearance of the dresser. Should be pretty easy too...
Also that will probably leave a plant height of about 20 in max..assuming 30 is your height. So i would roll w/ some t5s to keep heat down.. You really don't need the extra heat of an HPS in that space... and 20 inches of light penetration a t5 should work allowing you to get real close...