First time grow - 23rd day into flowering


Active Member
First of all.. thanks to everyone on this site.. without reading everything i could get my hands on for the first two weeks (mostly from this site alone), I never would have gotten this far.

Long time lurker, first time poster :mrgreen:.. figured I'd start a journal and see what you all thought and if you had any advice going into the home stretch..

Items used.. in no particular order:

MG moisture control soil
MG All Purpose plant food - 24/8/16 NPK
2, 75 watt grow lights from Wally World
400 watt Mh/HPS
Tiger Bloom
3 gal pots? not sure what size pots they ended up in.. but I transplanted from smaller ones

I started off with 6 plants in the very beginning.. germed, sprouted in smaller pots. 2 died when my humidifier fell on them :twisted:.. so I was left with 4.

Started all 6 (soon to be 4) under 2, 75 watt grow lights from wally world for the first 2 weeks. Watered ONLY when the soil felt dry, usually going down 3 inches b/c of the moisture control soil.. that stuff holds its water.

3rd week is when I put them under the MH light for the first time, and began using 1/4 strength of the MG nutes. Eventually going up to 3/4 strength. NOT ONCE did I have nute burn.. I know some people hate MG, but its worked wonders for me. I guess you just have to be careful.. I must have read that 1000 times when using nutes, especially MG.

4th week is when I transplanted.. I also topped 1 of the 4, as I definitely wanted to see the effect it had, and also to measure if it gave me more yield than the non-topped ones. I tried topping another about a week later but I ended up FIMMING it.. grr.. just stunted her growth for a few days.

Put them into flowering on their 35th birthday from sprout, all 4 were about 10-12"s..

Then I wasn't prepared for what happened.. I knew that they would double or triple in size when flowering, but mine tripled in 10 days. I was in total shock every morning I woke up and saw them.

On their 40th day, I noticed one of the four was male.. and I was pissed. Killed it that morning, came back, inspected, and BAM, 3 females. 3/4 that survived.. I'm very happy with.

Ok so I think this is long enough.. tomorrow will be their 24th day of flowering.

Here's what I'm wondering..

Can anyone identify the strain?
- Its definitely some kind of hybrid.. because about 2/3 of the bottom growth, the leaves are very wide and big.. top 1/3rd, the leaves are very skinny.

How are they looking?

The age old question, how much longer?
-My plan is to chop in the 8th week, but I'll be patient if they aren't ready by then.

Guess on the yield?

Comments/Questions? :mrgreen:

I can only post 4 pics? I'll reply to my own and add more I guess....

Pic1 - 8/2
Pic2 - 8/10
Pic3 - 8/16
Pic4 - 8/26



Active Member
More pics...

Pic1 - 8/31
Pic2 - 9/4 - 4th day of flowering
Pic3 - 9/17 - 17th day of flowering... the middle one in this pic is the topped one.. she looks tiny in this pic, but is only about 2-3" shorter than her sisters. Two main colas which I'm psyched about.



Well-Known Member
More pics...

Pic1 - 8/31
Pic2 - 9/4 - 4th day of flowering
Pic3 - 9/17 - 17th day of flowering... the middle one in this pic is the topped one.. she looks tiny in this pic, but is only about 2-3" shorter than her sisters. Two main colas which I'm psyched about.

hey man nice grow they all look healthy and happy.... my plant is topped too... do you think the topped one will harvest more then the others


Active Member
hey man nice grow they all look healthy and happy.... my plant is topped too... do you think the topped one will harvest more then the others

In all honesty.. I have no idea. If I had to guess, I would say they yield will be very similar in terms of weight to her sisters.

Being on my first grow, I wasn't sure if I should even do it, but I figured why not.. luckily she turned out a fem.


Active Member
Is it normal for small leaves to be falling off the bottom of the plant? I've had the original fan leaves yellow and fall off, but every other day or so, in diff pots, i'll find healthy looking (very small) leaves on top of the soil...


Active Member
Day 36 of flowering!! bongsmilie They STINK!!! But a good stink.. very fruity/sweet. I feel like I'm 8 years old, and its 3 weeks before XMas :mrgreen:

About 20-30% amber hairs at this point. Haven't checked the trichs yet, cause I know they still have 3 weeks to go.


