First time Grow! Do I have it right?

I am posting my pics for a critical review! This is my first attempt to build a GR and to hydroponically cultivate my medicine. I have two rooms...side by side... bloom (200 sqft) and veg (170 sqft). Only the bloom room is equipped for now. Figure my clones will all grow at the same rate and will flip from veg to bloom in the same room for this first time out?? Applied a concept for the blowers to be on dividing wall between the two rooms (when the veg room is complete the blowers for that room will located in the bloom room) can I do this??? Does the air from the blower have to be fresh outside air?? I will have two 48 pod ebb and grow systems in each room using hydroton grow medium. Please look over the pics and give me your thoughts???:-P



Well-Known Member
Split your air into 2 or 3 systems, by the time that air hits the 3rd light its not going to do much cooling. Aside from that +rep for that amazing setup man!


Well-Known Member
Your not playing around are ya, that's pretty sweet. Where are you sending the exhaust? Pic 31 must be the fresh air intake, good deal. You have a smaller mother/ clone room too? Looking good, best of luck with it.