First time grow, droopy leaves :(

chinese stinky

New Member
Hi guys,

This is my first attempt at growing properly under grow lights.

Not sure what kind of strain this is as i found these seeds in some stinky bud.

This plant is now 2 weeks into veg and has been recently switched from a 76w 2ft fluorescent fixture to a 250w HPS from 20/4 to 12/12 as of a week ago. The light hangs 15 inch from the top of the plant.

I installed a couple of fans to keep the ventilation high and to blow on the plant for a nice strong stem.

I'm watering every other days with miraclegro soluble plant food 20-10-10, and ph6.5 tap water

Last EC at watering was .84, i know the ideal should be around 1.3-1.8? Can someone shed some light?

My soil consists of:
Osmocote professional potting mix
Seedling starter mix
Small amount of phosphorous to help

Now my problem is, since my last watering (4days today) the second set of leaves are getting their droop and twist on. I have checked the plant problems and symptoms but simply cannot find an answer, as you can see in the pictures it was thriving before my last watering (nutes), then it just started going all droopy, I'm thinking possible over watering? I'm going to try and let it dry out a bit.

Any help would be great!



Well-Known Member
its called burning it the fuck up..there way to small for all that shit.. and i do mean shit.. flush them and just water them until there a lot bigger.. then transplant the thing in some real soil.. then slowly give them nutrients and not miracle grow shiat..throw all of that stuff in the trash and go to the hydro store and get some real soil and nutes then you will be really growing under real conditions.

chinese stinky

New Member
its called burning it the fuck up..there way to small for all that shit.. and i do mean shit.. flush them and just water them until there a lot bigger.. then transplant the thing in some real soil.. then slowly give them nutrients and not miracle grow shiat..throw all of that stuff in the trash and go to the hydro store and get some real soil and nutes then you will be really growing under real conditions.
Thanks for the tips! so thats the reason she's all perked up, then looking like crap after the nute feed?

overwatering and overfeeding. Pretty young plant for approx 475-500PPM's I think - but I don't use soil.
I've tried to keep watering at 4-5 days, but i guess thats still too much?