First Time Grow: (Indoors) Can I run HPS and T5 fluorescent at the same time?! (pics)


New Member
Can I use my 1000HPS light fixture at the same time as my T5 light fixture? (cost isn't an issue) Would this give me a bigger yield? see my setup below please: (pics at bottom of page to clarify setup)

I purchased a 1000watt HPS bulb with a yield master reflector, T5 Fluorescent Light System (2 foot x 4 tubes), a remote ballast, CO2 bag, fans etc..
(I do not have a MH bulb)

**My T5 light kit has two white lights and two orange colored lights. What does this mean?
(I was at a grow shop today and the guy suggested this, but this is my first indoor grow and all these lighting phases are confusing me)

**I am growing 6 plants to start in a large closet that has a pole across the top center (end-to-end) allowing me to hang both adjustable light fixtures at the same time. WHAT TO DO?! I appreciate any help :cool:

photo 2.JPG photo 1.JPG photo 5.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG


Well-Known Member
Imo if cost is no issue ditch both of those and get 2 600w digitals , mh and hps are needed, get 1 8 inch fan 2 raptor 8 hoods and youll be golden, trust me, rhe item's you listed wont yield what I did, you could run the 2 1000s too, if cost is no issue I would, youd get retarded nice buds. Just get the room right furst , line the walls with mylar, get smart pots if in soil and read up or ask me fir help as id give you my honest advice. Im no pro but ive fucked up enough to get better and ive done enough reading to and testing to give back a Lil. Goodluck man.


Active Member
Those lights will work. Just use the 1000, you wont need to add cfl's.

Your biggest concern is going to be heat & ventilation. You didn't mention the dimensions of your room, but a 1000 hps puts off tremendous heat. That heat needs to be vented out with an air cooled hood or ac blowing in. Also you need air coming in. The room has to be completely lightproof. You need timers to run all your equipment. You will need 2 inline fans & a carbon filter also. This is why a lot of people use tents, because they have the vents built in & can be easily made lightproof, with reflective interior.


New Member
Reloader, thanks for the advice. I have seen these sets ups you speak of, although, this is my first indoor grow and I am still in college so my money is being consumed by these bs books and tuition. As for price not being a concern I was referring to my electricity bill lol but I still will not be able to purchase a grow tent, with ventilation until a couple cycles of growth $$. But you mentioned timers? Why are timers used, how are they used, how much do they cost, and are they absolutely necessary? Also, I'm growing in a large closet big enough for 6 plants high enough to hang HPS but no reflective interior. Do you think adding something like tin foil to my walls will absorb the heat or increase the yield? sorry for all the questions. I appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
You're going to need timers for your lights when you go into flowering cycle. When your vegging them you can have them on 2 different light cycles, either 24 hours on, no dark hours. Or 18 hours on, 6 hours off. Its really preferential which light cycle you use. 24 hours will cost you more on the energy end so some people like the 18/6 just for that. Either way you'll need a 3 prong timer so the light can turn on and off itself, you cant depend on yourself to turn it on and off daily, your cycle will not end up right if you try to do that. When you hit flowering stage you're going to be on a 12 hours light, 12 hours dark schedule to signify to the plant the fall and that it should bloom, a timer is an important part of this. I'd suggest you look into a 400W light rather than the 1000W. You don't necessarily need all that light output in what you have described as a large closet. I myself have grown in a 4.5 x 4.5 x 8 foot tent for years now and don't need that kind of lighting. Plus the fact that I have trouble venting the heat from just my 400w HPS light, if you're on a budget and you're going for that sort of light, you're going to have to make extra budget for exhaust fans, ducting, etc... I had a CFL overheat in my first closet grow, and my HPS overheat my large tent with ventilation, be careful buying too powerful a light for your space. The last thing you want is too hot a room for your girls.


Tin foil reflects light at oblique angles and actually you lose most of your light "to" the foil. You want reflective white plastic which can be bought for pretty cheap at a hydro store. Your timer shouldn't be more than $10-20 for it. If you're on a college budget I'd go with some compact fluorescent's until you can afford more of an "official" set up. Compact fluorescents can have great light output for small closet grows, the energy cost on you is going to be significantly cheaper, and the heat that comes off your light is significantly less than a HPS light is. You mentioned you have fans, what kind of fans? Take some pics of your grow, post em on photobucket and post the links up here so we can see what you're working with. It's hard to give advice with no visuals, or idea what size room, equipment you're working with. Best of luck with the grow!

Throw me a personal message if you have any other grow questions you need answered!