First time grow.. let me know what you think please!

Rob the Ripper

New Member
Hi guys, let me start by saying thank you to everyone who contributes to this forum. I started a medical grow 4 weeks ago and I've used rollitup forums extensively learning about soil mixes, PH, nutes etc and it has been a wonderful resource.

I was able to secure some clones from a wonderful place called the clone zone here in WA. they hooked me up with 15 different strains ( at my request ). I know I shouldn't be growing 15 dofferent strains at once but my plant limit is 15 for medical grow and I want to see what I like the best. I have a 8x4 tent with 2 thousand-watt lamps and a 4x4 tent with a single thousand-watt lamp. Right now I have all fifteen plants in the 8x4 with MH going 24x7.

The plants for the most part are doing splendidly but four of them (all taller and broad-leaves) are developing yellow spots on a few of the leaves. specifically my Ace of Spades, Dynamite, White Fire OG, and White Elephant strains. are these sativa? they are also the tallest of my plants. I dont know if its related but when I moved them into the bigger tent gnats started appearing also. will they hurt my plants? and what should I do to get rid of them?

I'm at work using a cell phone but I'm going to try and figure out how to upload pictures. I have them on my phone.


Well-Known Member
The strains? Why not do a Google search on them to find out all kinds of info on what they're all about. In fact, the place you bought them from has definitions right on the site.
Knats dont really hurt anything but left unchecked they'll multipy all over the place. I use those yellow hang-up pest strips and for me they take care of them.
As far as any defeciencies if they do have any, yes pics would help you get the best advice on how to correct it.


Well-Known Member
I do not advocate that noobies grow so many strains at all, this easily leads to confusion and death, and most strains have very different nute uptakes and maturity times, yet more despair, on top of that is the fact you are attempting to grow clones, which are in fact other people problems, you just don't know what you are gonna get, in 60 minutes time or 2 ,months down the track ...caution here


Well-Known Member
That's an ideal setup I think, in 3 months or so I will be running that same design. One 4x4 for veg and the 4x8 for flower. I also grow 5+ strains at a time, but 15 is a lot. They will all probably pull through and it will be a learning experience either way. It's too hard to diagnose without pictures though as far as the yellow spots your having.

And for me, I absolutely hate fungus gnats. They're resilient little bastards and while they don't do serious damage, they will multiply and the larvae can damage roots in high numbers. This is the only thing that has worked for me, and I have tried every product under then sun (I help run a nursery).

Good luck.

Rob the Ripper

New Member
here's the tent they're in

here's the ace of spades yellow spotting

here's the dynamite's leaves

here's the White Fire OG

and here's the white elephant

the rest of the clones are doing swimmingly.

I've heard the argument that "you dont know what you're going to get with clones".. to me, this never made much sense since a clone is genetically identical to its mother plant.. and the breeder I bought them from cloned his favorite phenotypes. I trust him.

that being said, I am a newbie and that's why I'm posting here for advice, so thank you for your feedback.

sorry I asked if they were sativa etc . I was too busy to check at work and forgot which were which. my indicia dominant plants are doing incredibly well.. all appear healthy and vibrant.. stems at thick and robust.

here is my cheddarhead

and a Cinex phenotype that only sprouts 3-bladed leaves.. ive been told its rare and "the best".

if anyone could help me figure out if the yellow spots are nute lock or what else they could be, id sure appreciate it. :-)

also curious if these plants are too big to supercrop. I haven't done that yet, and I'm nervous to break the main stems etc.. but I'm more nervous to run out of room in my tent.

should I start flowering now based on size? I can move some plants over to my 4x4 secret jardin to veg and flower the rest in the 8x4. opinions welcome. :-) thanks for looking!

oh, btw using general organics grow box for nutrients.. I heard organics are more forgiving so might be a better solution for giving 15 different strains all the same nutes. also giving mendocino honey once every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what all this stuff above is but if I may bud if I could give a newbie just one little bit of advice and I have a feeling this might be helpful to you:

Don't ever forget that they are just plants. Sometimes the best thing we can do for them is just let them be sometimes. If your not very careful with all of them nutrients right off the bat, you'll burn the hell outta them things and have nothing but problems.
If you consider that, it may be the best advice somebody new at growing can get.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a bunch of html gone wrong, the links are still there but I tried copying and pasting them and it didn't work. Upload them through RIU instead of photobucket.

And cobnob is right, way too many people treat MJ like they are growing a pharmaceutical and not a plant.

Rob the Ripper

New Member
thanks for the advice, Cobnobuler. I'll take it to heart. and thank you, thenameless. i will order some gnatrol right now!

P.S. sorry for any spelling/grammar.. using a cell phone and keyboard/auto correct is a bitch.


Hi. It looks to me like you may be going a little heavy on the nutes. Cut back a bit and see what happens. Hope your grow goes well. Good luck :-)


Well-Known Member
Look closely at your damage and you will see drying or dying leaf tips along with serious discoloration of the solar panels (epidermis) or skin, this is typical of plants that have passed their childhood, and unfortunately means you have had a visit from the (Mg) def. angel, time to rip in with some cal. mag or Epsom salts, .. 2 teaspoon to a gallon or I prefer half a teaspoon to a pint spray bottle, fill with warm water shake and spray 2 times per day, for quicker results, my blog:

Rob the Ripper

New Member
thank you!! I just gave them a larger dose of cal mag last night!! right after I snapped these photos.. I will tey the spray bottle as well.


Well-Known Member
Have you looked very closely at the leaves in detail? It does look like nute burn, but I had a couple leaves start looking like that and quickly started spreading to all over the leaves and other plants... Found some tiny larva crawling on the leaves. Still haven't identified it but I think it most closely resembles white fly larva, but neem oil quickly cleared them out for me. Probably nutes though.


Well-Known Member
Along the line of what jollygreen is suggesting, I would recommend taking preemptive/preventative measures against pests. Your likelihood of having mites or root aphids is high with that many different clones. Get some azamax to go with your neem to start IMO. If you see even one leaf with mite damage take it very seriously and start researching floramite, forbid, tetrasan 5wdg (all only to be used in veg). If you are organic look at using Spinosad, azamax, neem, and habanero spray in rotation.
Good luck, sweet strain lineup.

Rob the Ripper

New Member
oh man that's got me worried. Last night I got home from work and my Tahoe OG kush, Headband, and Girl Scout Cookie all have yellow spots appearing. so broke right now but maybe i can afford some neem and azamax if they don't cost too much. I took soil samples from seven of the plants last night and soaked them in distilled water overnight. this morning all tested basic, around 7.8-8. way higher than I assumed theyd be, considering everything ive heard says nutes drop your PH. I did a foliar spray last night of Cal Mg, and again this morning. I bought garden lime thinking I needed it but now I'm worried that would raise my ph higher. I gave them a flush today of water PHd to 6.0, hoping to get it back in suitable range.

could a high ph be causing spots? I try and let my water sit out for 24-48 to dissipate chlorine but sometimes ive forgotten...


Well-Known Member
Yellow spots can be caused by many different things. A photo would really help. Good news is it doesn't sound like mite damage (very small white spots on the leaves).
I don't know where in Washington you are but lets just say I am in a westside metro area and I have found it is a good idea to filter my water with a brita then leave it out for 12-24 hours. It also lowers the PH of the water. It is a hassle to do but I managed to do it with a 15 plant grow recently.

The garden/dolomite lime will buffer the PH or bring it closer to neutral is my understanding, so I dont' think it will raise it if it is high (someone correct me if I am wrong here).

The azamax is about $28 for 4oz and will last for about 2 grows with 15 plants if you get mites.

Those are my thoughts but there are others with more knowledge here so hope you get some other input.

Go Hawks!

Edit: just realized you had posted pics, no mite damage. Keep in mind many clone shops will treat with something like Floramite before clones are made available for sale. It will work systemically killing mites for about 30 days so keep your eyes peeled about 2-3 weeks after you got the clones for new signs etc.


Well-Known Member
If it does end up being pests, neem oil is like no more than $20 for a spray bottle.. I got mine at a local shop for $16.99. Killed all signs of pest life within hours lol.. there were a couple that popped up the next day but I sprayed again a day later, very lightly, and it's under control now. If it does end up being pests, just be careful not to use too much neem oil. You want to spray the leaves so they're wet, but not dripping heavily wet.. Apparently the oil can clog the pores on leaves and (I think this is right, not sure) block the stomata from absorbing co2 and photosynthesizing... (again I think thats what it stops, not sure exatly, but either way its bad lol)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is a good idea to rinse the leaves off with straight water within 24 hours of any oil based product. It can clog the stomata.


Active Member
Cool set up dude !

will be a nice learning curve for you !

I'm just coming to the end of my first grow all the same strain

Thankfully no hick up's i know it is hard some time's when you see something wrong with your plants and all you want to do is research on how to fix them, From what i have found is it is best to keep it simple and just let the plant be a plant most the time it will fix it's self and just don't go to crazy on the nutes.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I suggest you get some hot pepper seeds like habanero grow one with your plants read what it takes ect. then harvest it and freeze the peppers. then if you ever have a bug problem bust 5 out superdice i use coffee grinder then add that to 4 cups water at a low simmer 120-140 degrees max for 20 -30 min you will know cause you will come close and and your eyes will water, then turn it off if you are in a hurry use 3 cups instead of 4 and add 1 cup ice cubes made with good water. that will cool it down then let it sit for another 20 in or so in a spray bottle after you strain the stuff out just liquid is needed. spray your plants good top bottom of leaf and soil really good. now use gloves and eye protection even a mask wont hurt. that pepper spray is hot to us but not your plant. you do that every day for 1 week then every week for a few more and bugs are gone. ive sprayed a plant outside wind turned got some on my face had to run and rinse it fast it started to burn me.
Love and peace all