first time grow ... pink runtz organic mix

tried pre mixing nutes and got decent results haven't had to feed again using distilled water during veg and filtered during flower because i want the little extra minerals (just my opinion) , scrogged first month into tent , feeling happy watering them half gallon every 3 days ( i didn't realize how much time i spend on watering them ) , smart pots , organic soil +organic amendments , so far happy plant , topped and trimmed 3 times as i didn't know my space limitations with 5 plants . tsw2000 light 4x4x80 tent , ventilation system halfway on , couple fans on low and fan always on drivers for lower cost because if you know heat = bigger bill because consumption goes up with heat . just my 2 cents but i could be wrong . also only 2 weeks into flip . cheers probably will post more pics in a few days after final trim for main flowering stage . tried to tuck but too many fans !! just a dude listening to the plants , almost had a fungus gnat issue but after drying out the soil for 5 days it was fine plus sticky sheets lol and lost of wind they hate wind , plants enjoyed it though , will have a better idea tomorrow that's when i'll water again .


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Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are a bitch you have to attack them on all fronts at the same time killing the babies the adolescence and the adults Simultaneously the above microbe left works really well use the fly strips for the adults and have Diatomaceous earth And they will be gone
Fungus gnats are a bitch you have to attack them on all fronts at the same time killing the babies the adolescence and the adults Simultaneously the above microbe left works really well use the fly strips for the adults and have Diatomaceous earth And they will be gone
yessir and i did attack them bitches from all sides ! i was with my grow damn near 24/7 so i had time to mess with it constantly .
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That’s the way to effectively do it. It was a month long battle for me last time
crazy you say that started about day 35 and ended about day 55 so about 3 weeks for me , was the least fun i have had as a first timer , won't be adding wet soil to my mixes anytime soon , will always be drying my medium out before adding moisture again.


Well-Known Member
crazy you say that started about day 35 and ended about day 55 so about 3 weeks for me , was the least fun i have had as a first timer , won't be adding wet soil to my mixes anytime soon , will always be drying my medium out before adding moisture again.
I try and treat any soils I bring into my environment before hand to prevent that. Live and learn we’ve all been there
update nugs are hard on all plants not that that matters but doing 72 hours of darkness , now excited to see what i can do with actual packing nutrients. hoping to get over a hp -10 zips we will see . just flaming myself up for hopefully a decent yeild for bag seed , next grow true blueberry and scarlet jo and gsc. focusing on 3 plant instead of multiples for ample space to work with tops . was happy with this grow but i hated having 5 plants under that small light . it was well working so no issues with the tsw2000 i just wanna see what i can do focusing on the veg this next round if y'all saw what these babies vegged from you wouldn't be happy aha . but that's what happens when you grow before you have a tent .
got a total of a hp after the fact pretty happy about that . time to start over now .

