First time grow, purple kush journal


Active Member
First time growing, only 1 plant, don't expect large return just getting comfortable with growing. I plan on LST due to space. This is my current set up:

15'' deep
15'' wide
30'' tall
2x 4'' fans
3x 75w CFL 6500k
1 gallon bucket
lights can be raised when needed
2 vents in the back with screens over them
Fox Farm soil
Fox Farm 3 part nute system
loving tender care

Clone was of purple kush

any suggestions, comments, etc.

ps. i've raise the plant about 1.5 inches


Well-Known Member
Nope, it's best to begin before you water, when they are thirsty - the plant is more flexible then. The water is what gives the stem it's stiffness.


Active Member
The closer to the light the better... as long as you can put your hand over the plant and rest it there comfortably they should be fine. If it's not too hot for you, it should be ok for your plant.


Active Member
Well, its been a week since I planted the clone. The 2 sets of leaves on the bottom have been saggy ever since I got the clone, should I do anything to them? I bent the plant over Friday, and it seems to be working...

any comments, suggestions, etc...


Active Member
Here's a picture before the bend...Also the set of leaves on the left hand corner have been that way since I got the clone, should I leave them?

After the bend...


Active Member
started fox farm nutes today. Going to be adding a 150w HPS kit tomorrow, so all together ill have 2 75w cfl bulbs and 150 hps kit


Active Member
clones been vegging for 2 weeks this weekend, I plan to continue LST. How much longer should I veg for with a top grow height of 28"?

Green Love

Well-Known Member
Here's a way to test plant leaves vs distance of lights... Use the back of your hand, if your hand gets to hot then the lights are to close to your plants. How tall is your plant? The longer you let it veg. the taller it gets, plus the more bud you can expect to receive back. If, you flip a plant at 28", you can expect the plant double or triple in height during the flowering stage.


Active Member
Had an extra pot laying around and lots of extra Fox Farm soil so I decided to get another clone from the local clinic, Blue Dream. Also moved the lights as a couple leaves got burnt from being too close...




I'd leave those curled up leaves on there, they are still good. They'll die off when they want to, if they want to. She's going to get very bushy! .....Did you get your new light all set up yet? .. I"m gonna post some new pics i just took, check it out...


Active Member
Purple Kush, 20 days
Blue Dream, 4 days
Comparison in height
I'm going to be flowering these at the same time, I plan to LST the Blue Dream till both plants are the same height that way I have a nice even canopy. bongsmilieFigure by then the Purple Kush will have vegged for 40 or so days.
any comments, suggestions, etcbongsmilie