first time grow. w/ pics

Hey everyone at rollitup i am new here and i'm starting my first grow. I live in CA and am doing my first legal medical grow.

Grow space:
Starting off with red cup as the home for the plant. I may transfer it to a real pot if it is needed due to size.

The light is says 42W on the base (i think), but on the package it said it was equivalent to 150W.

Soil is an potting soil mix i got locally that said it had some stuff like perlite in it and had picture of some vegetables growing so i assume it can at least grow a plant. Didn't really know any hydro stores nearby and was also a bit short on cash to invest. I am willing to learn through trial and error though

I germinated the seed in a shot glass with water. After the sprout was out, I planted it maybe an inch below the soil, not very deep. IT has been a few days and the sprout is visible as shown.

I am watering with distilled water i bought at the store only when i feel necessary, and i am trying to be careful not to over water at its early stages of growth.


1. what would you recommend I use ventilate/fan the area? I read that you should have an intake fan at the bottom and and output one at the top. I was thinking I might be able to get away with just one fan blowing on the plant, since it is only one plant. the temperature has stayed around 71 (room temperature) even through the night as i live in california.
What fan(s) would you reccomend?

2. what would you recommend to cover the shelve the entire area is in? I was thinking either panda film or mylar. I was planning on just cutting the square to size and duct taping it to the container, blocking all light escaping.

3. What nutrients would you recommend and when should i start doing them?

4. should i trim off the top layer of the rep cup to give more light to the bottom of the stem since I may have planted it a bit low?

any other feedback/suggestion/tips is welcomed thanks


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up, glad to see another Cali Grower starting.
Congrats on starting your 1st Med Grow.

#1 I would recommend you get a 2 PC fan to exhaust and supply your grow area. Also a small Fan to blow on your plants.
#2 Duct tape is fine to seal cracks and stuff.
#3 Depends on your budget and what you want to spend. Just make sure you get the main 3 key nutes (N-P-K)
#4 No dont cut, it will be fine, the white is actually reflective for the seedling. Plus you will eventually transplant it out into a container later on.

What type of seed is it? Use a spray bottle and make sure you keep the top moist. Hope that helps.


Thank you for the answers. it is a random bagseed. I have another one germinating in case and will be planting soon in case this one turns out to be male.

If both of those fail, i will try some other bagseed. If that fails, then I will go get some clones at a club. I want to learn to grow from seed, though.

Also, i will be posting pics whenever there is notable growth or something to be diagnosed. thank you again rollitup


Active Member
My first CFL grow was in that same cabinet... or looks just like it.. right down to the holes..

A few things come to mind that helped me in that environment that might help you.

As you mention lack of funds is an issue, I'll make my suggestions constructive to cost wise.


I can see you are using a 2700k bulb by the reddish light.. that will work for a seedling and get her growing..
But you would be better served (in my opinion) with even the 28 watt 6500k... I used to think it was nonsense, but
I do all my vegging under them now, they make for some beautiful vegetation. ..this will probably set you back about 6-7 bucks for a pack of two.. I think it is worthy sucking it up and getting and using them as you are obviously going to be very low light and 6500k's have convinced me they grow a much shorter and bushy plant in general.

Which is another point to ponder../ look up LST and employ training techniques to help keep the plant low.. the lower you can keep it
it in extremely low light situations, the more shoots will have access to equal amounts of lighting.

You are eventually going to need more lighting, at LEAST another 2 lighting fixtures and then if you don't have a low plant you are going
to be wasting your time.. so just know that.. even if you don't change out bulbs, you have enough light 'for now'.. soon you will need to spend some more money on fixtures.. thrift stores.. drive by an apt complex, someone always has an old broken lamp by the dumpster.. an old lamp around the house you can utilize.. eventually you will need to supplement that light.. not now.. but in a month for certain.

Go to Walmart and in the aquarium section is a PH dropper test.. for less than 5 bucks.. get it.. use it.. educate yourself on PH and why it is so darned important and why so many new growers ignore it and why successful growers almost never do ignore it.. it's extremely important.. the 5 dollars you spend will be the best investment.. you can test runoff with it, you can test water in.. it's a tool, you need it, get it. You can adjust PH with things you usually have around the house (like lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda and a host of other things to use in a financial pinch).. so as SOON as you can, spend on that ph tester and educate yourself on what who where and why of PH.

Growing in a cabinet like that sucks at flowering, because they will leak so much damn light.. it's hard to seal, but seal 100 percent as much as possible YOU MUST.. so for this, Duct Tape is your friend..

Ventilation.. if you keep the cabinet closed you need something.. the backs of that cab might be a cardboard and you can cut with razor knife.. when I used the cab I just left the door open a bit and never thought about it again. In the heat of summer I ran a fan to toss air around but nothing installed.. but again, I had the door open to avoid those issues.. you can drape a sheet of foil (it's a small cfl, isn't going to hurt anything using foil) over the front to help keep light in if you want to leave it open and avoid ventilation issues.

Right now you could invest as soon as you have the money..
6500k Lights
Duct Tape
extra Drop Cord Light.. then at least one more down the road.

Those things would greatly improve your odds of getting a yield worth harvesting

And again, keep em low.. look up LST..


That's the best I have for ya man.. been there, done that.. keep at it, have patience.

It is totally do-able.


Well-Known Member
There are tons of places to pick up clones in Cali. I got some if you have your paperwork and are in or around my location I will hook you up. Especially if you get a male. Good Luck

